Do you feel like the Quad Cities doesn't have enough ISU love? For such a large metro area (well, for Iowa), one would think there would be more ISU alumni or representation.
That also makes me think about Peoria being an ISU or UI town (well, it is out of state, but that's another story). I don't see a ton of UI business going on, but occassionally see some Iowa State stuff and start flippin' out.
Like the time that I saw a car in the Riverplex parking lot that had some rad Iowa State personalized tags and left a note with my phone number and "call me cuz I ISU" on it. [Never called] I know 2 other ISU grads personally out here, and know there are some more (hello FB). But yeah... I yearn for some real ISU love. Not this Illinois State bs.
Maybe this is why I want to move to the QC. I get to hear more about "my team."
Re: Speaking of Iowa State