Indiana Nesties
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Does anyone know of any good websites or resources to look for rental houses? I would say that we'll be looking all around Indianapolis and possibly all the way up to Lafayette. I look at craigslist and stuff, but there's so much junk on there since apartment complexes just get on there and post. I know I can look in the paper too when it gets closer to the time, but I'm just wanting an idea of whats out there for what price.
Re: Rental Homes
We found a rental home a few years ago on Mibor. They have a section for rentals and there were some nice homes- not the typical run-down rentals you sometimes encounter. I also drove around a lot to look for signs, and found a few that way as well.
Good luck!
There is a guy who just started working where I work who has a house he's going to rent out very soon- it's about a mile from where I live near historic Irvington, Emerson Heights and Little Flower (just off of 70/Emerson on the eastside). I don't know anything about it- size or cost- but if you want me to find out- I'd be happy to- email me at that_girl_lola at
If his house doesn't work- there are a ton of houses for rent in the neighborhoods by me- they are all older homes (ours was built in 1913) and most have been renovated. I get a lot of slack for living on the 'eastside' which doesn't have the best reputation (because the media calls the whole east side- anything east of Meridian- a crime pocket, which simply isn't always true). I love my neighborhood though- and I wouldn't leave it any time soon. I'm in Emerson Heights- - lots of young single professionals, young couples and then the older group who have lived there forever. Active neighborhood association too. Anyway- lots of rentals, close to everything (7 minutes to downtown, 2 minutes from 70) and good neighbors. Most rent in the $800-1000/month for 2000 sq ft or so.
Actually- Angiemackey might have a rental right now too- she had 1/2 a double that I believe she was going to rent out. I'll see if she can check in here.
Can you tell us more about what you're looking for?
We actually did just rent out our half double last week. Good luck to you though!
that's too bad
we've been renting our place for $725 but will proboably need to bump it up to $750 (property taxes have killed rental prices, unfortunately). And, we welcome pets! I remember how hard it can be to find a pet friendly place. i know some people who will be leaving Indy for residencies elsewhere this summer, so I'll keep an eye out for other pet-friendly opportunities for you...