I am just now getting around to this.......and its 3 in the morning.
Ok, so on Saturday, March 14th I overdid it during the day. I cleaned, went to a shower, walked and many other things. That night we had company late and I was so looking forward to a long nights sleep. I went to bed around 10:30 or so. I will never forget the time. At 10:57 I started having contractions. I yelled for DH and told him something was happening. We timed them and they were 5-8 min apart. To make a long story short I got scared b/c I lost my mucus plug so we headed to the hospital. We got down there and they hooked me up to monitors. I was having cont. but they were so up and down. They monitored me all night and then sent me home at 8 in the morning. I was only dialated to 1. I was soooo disappointed...and hurting still. DH got some sleep but I just dosed between cont. Mind you we live 40 min. from the hospital too. I labored all day Sunday. It was horrible. I was having cont. between 3-10 mins apart. I was soooo tired but couldn't sleep. At around 5 that afternoon I took a mile walk. I ate some dinner and tried to rest. At about 1 in the morning I made DH go to bed and I labored by myself. I rocked in the glider timing my cont. Finally about 3 I couldn't take it anymore and called the nurse. She told me I wasn't in labor to go take a tylenol pm. I woke up dh and he went to walmart to grab some. That didn't work and around 4 something I told him we needed to go back to the hospital that I had to listen to my own body. We go there and they checked me in and I was dialated to 4. Those were the sweetest words I got my epidural around 7 and finally got some rest. I had a mild fever so they gave me antibiotics. I labored till around 1-2 and wasn't getting any further so they gave me pitocin. Then around 3 something they started moving me in different positions to get me to finish dialating. Finally around 4 I started pushing. I pushed till 5 something and they told me they would use the vaccum if I wanted. I toiled with that a while and finally gave in. At 5:30pm our little miracle was born. She was perfectly healthy and everything was fine.
Re: Avas birth story....long
That's a great story! I'm glad you listened to your body and went to the hospital. I'm glad thins went well!