Please keep me in your thoughts & prayers tomorrow as I will be having a bladder biopsy, Cytoscopy & a few other procedures done on my bladder tomorrow morning. They are checking for either Interstital Cystitis or Bladder Cancer. Both can kill you but be treated, and one can torment you forever, but not kill you, and the treatment only acts as a band-aid & is sometimes worse than the disease. I have already had one test for IC that came back I am just nervous about the whole thing, and I just want to know what is wrong so that I can feel better down there!
I'll be at Williamson Memorial Hospital
Re: Biopsy tomorrow
Thank you all! I was just discharged a little while ago & I am at home now. I am very sore & just feel like poop. They sent me home with a ton of Vicodin & a brand new Interstitial Cystitis diagnosis. That, Fibro & MS were all talked about on The Doctors today, although I really hated the segment on Fibro.
I go back to discuss my biopsy results on the 22nd, as well as my treatment options & diet plans for IC. It's the anti-flammatory is pretty strict & will be tough to ever go anywhere or eat on the go like I always do.
My throat is very sore now from the breathing tube I had in while I was under anesthesia. I can barely talk.