I'm a recent college grad, new to IL, looking to get my first real career-type job. I've been sending out resumes/cover letters like nuts for 3 weeks now and so far no bites. I have part-time experience in my field, but my degree is for something else altogether. I bet I'd sell better in person than on paper.
So I signed up for a seminar with my industry's association. I will be attending alone, and have never been to anything like this before. I'm a little nervous about the networking portion. It's just starting small talk that eventually turns into something useful, right?
Do you have any pointers for me?
Re: HELP! Networking?
Have a business card printed, and also an "elevator speech" prepared (up to one-minute overview of your skills, qualifications, what you are looking for, etc.). Also, don't be afraid to approach people. Lastly, ask for informational interviews with some people you meet. You might get some good career advice, establish relationships, find out about jobs or leads, and it also helps keep your interviewing skills fresh.
What industry are you looking for a job in?
As much as it would help, I've been warned not to give too personal of information (like my industry) on the board because someone may use it improperly.
I totally understand -- obviously there are some "interesting" girls and their AEs on the board. (one of the many reasons I have no bio, etc.) Anyway, we are hiring and I thought I could help out. Good luck. If I can think of any more tips, I'll pass them along.
Ahh, you're blackmailing me, kleen!
I suppose chatting more over email wouldn't hurt. My address is:
jamie_j_campos at yahoo dot com
if you would be so kind.