Wow, I can't believe three years have gone by. It really flies by. My son is 9 months old today and I can't believe that either.
Today has been stressful though. My DS is on a nursing strike. He would not nurse at all yesterday. I took him to the doctor last night because he was so fussy all day and it is not like him but there isn't anything wrong. The doctor did a throat culture and is sending it out to be tested. I am thinking he is just teething bad. The doctor gave him some Motrin last night and told me to wait an hour and try to nurse him but he wouldn't. He just looks at it and cries. Luckily today he finally took a bottle because he would nurse again this morning. I am sad. I miss my nursing time with him. But on the other hand, we are working on a sippy cup and I am glad he took a bottle since he hasn't taken a bottle in over two months. So at least he got some milk today.
Ok, enough of me venting. I hope everyone has a great day!!
Re: YAY! Today is my anniversary!!
Happy Anniversary!! Today is also my 3 year anniversay
I hope your day got better!
Mr and Mrs EST 8.19.06
DD#1 3.28.12