Connecticut Nesties
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Can we discuss David Cook?
Cause, he makes my loins ache.
Re: Can we discuss David Cook?
I couldn't stop smiling when I was watching him last night. MMMMmmmmm.
(5 year old twin girls)
He does nothing for me. Great singer, but physically, he does nothing.
I'd kick him out of bed AND beat his arse for eating crackers in bed!
Australian dude, on the other hand, he could eat crackers, wearing his lil' ascot. Bummed he is gone.
He's not quite up to Chris Daughtry level for me, but he's clawing his way up week by week.
Irish, LOL
I'd take Daughtry over Cook any day. Cook's hair is just odd. Almost like a headpiece to me. Although, Daughtry still would get in trouble for crumbs in the bed. I think I'd take the dreadlock wearing dude over both of them.
Someone explain to me how that blonde, Kristi Lee is still there but not my lil' Crocodile Dundee!
lol, kick him out of bed for eating crackers!! lol
I think he's doing a great job on idol, but he looks the grinch to me.
There isn't much Chris Daughtry could do to get kicked out of bed...
just googled him. ewwww seriously? *SO* not cute!
I think im with my gf kath on that one!