hey ladies,
i know i haven't been around much lately. i've been really busy with school ending, and everything. and then dh and i went to puerto rico last week for his cousin's wedding. well the day after we got there, i ended up falling off of a horse (his aunt/uncle have animals and i thought it would be a nice experience to ride one), and breaking my ankle, and then needing emergency surgery on it. so i spent the remainder of our vacation in the hospital doped up on morphine . it sucks b/c we had to miss the wedding that we went there for. we are finally back home now. but i just thought i'd update you guys on what's been going on with me. i hope everyone else has had more pleasant things happen to them - LOL. hope everyone is having a wonderful Mon so far!
Re: so i'm a dork...
oh no Tiff!!! I hope you're doing better and hate that you didn't get to enjoy the vaca or go to the wedding. I hope everything gets better!!!!
we missed you!!!
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I am so sorry to hear about your accident and surgery that followed. A word of advice from someone who recently had foot surgery - try to find what is called a knee walker to rent. This prevented me from ending up in traction from using crutches. It makes getting around so much easier. If you want any more information let me know.
Hope you feel better soon.