Beloved [Gaius], you do faithfully whatever you do for the brethren and for strangers. ?3 John 1:5
Third John presents a sharp contrast between the way two members of the church welcomed believers who visited them. The letter is addressed to ?the beloved? Gaius, whom John loved ?in truth? (v.1). The truth was in him as he walked with God (v.3). Whatever he did for his ?brethren??itinerant missionaries and teachers such as Paul?he did it faithfully and with love (vv.5-6).
Diotrephes was another story. He was proud and domineering (v.9), and he spoke against those who came in the name of Christ (v.10), probably even Paul. In addition, he drove out of the church anyone who wanted to accept them. No doubt he did this to protect his position and self-interests and to keep the focus on himself.
My wife, Shirley, and I, along with our granddaughter Bree, recently visited a country once closed to the gospel. The believers welcomed us with trust, openness, hospitality, and genuine love. Though they had little, their generosity was astounding. What an encouragement to us! They truly followed the example of faithful Gaius.
May God give us a loving and faithful spirit that enables us to treat our fellow believers in ?a manner worthy of God? (v.6). ? David C. Egner
A time for fellowship that?s sweet,
A time for sacred song;
But never is there time to treat
A human being wrong. ?Isenhour
Christlike hospitality is an open heart and an open home.