So I know there a bunch of us that don't like the new changes, whether it be some or all of them. The national boards and some other boards are still what we are used to. I propose that we all make our voices known about these changes and what we don't like about it. There's no harm in sending an email to the moderators.?
?Anyway. If you go to the CT Baby board (or any other old form board) at the end of the posts (and under the search tool) there's a Feedback link. This sends an email to the nest and essentially gives feedback. You'll probably only get back a form letter, but they should know how we feel.
Here's the link to the CT Baby board:
Mr and Mrs EST 8.19.06
DD#1 3.28.12
you shoudl definitely give feedback and i don't want you to think I am being a "party poopeer" but make sure to keep your feed back constructive....aka not "I hate the new format!" instead give specific exapmles and how you would like those specific issues fixed or remedied.
I say this because I work in development - and bottom line is I know that it would cost the knot a fortune to roll back code. plus I am sure the code they deployed is cross impacted. Sooooo as I work in the field. the onyl way we listen to feedback is if its constructive and specific...other wise we chalk up the "whining" to resistant to change.
FYI I do not think the new board format is perfect.....just ssaying if you want to be heard....
Mr and Mrs EST 8.19.06
DD#1 3.28.12
As another IT person, I agree. I think some of the "misses" the has had is:
1. limited to no user focus groups.
2. browser compatibility misses. It is very easy to gather data on what the majority of browser being used by a user base is - a site needs to accommadate most if not all of them. Anything less is poor coding
3. Use of color or rather OVER use of color.
Keep in mind the more you use the new format which is not going away so I suggest you better get used to it. It probably cost a lot to develop (considering it is written in and that includes licensing and such...) they are not going to roll it back.
Okay this comptuer dork has to get to class.