After a long night up and down with Tyler because he's teething, T and I were super cranky this morning. I knew he'd be cranky, he always is without coffee and a decent night sleep. But gosh darn it, instead of having a little spat, apologizing and trying to salvage our morning, he turns into the biggest smart@ss and a really big jerk in general. In the end he said something that hurt my feelings so I left to go to work.
Now here I sit wondering if I'm the only one who has a DH that ALWAYS says nasty things in a fight, but who always apologizes after for his insensitiveness. It just seems like it makes the fight 10x worse during and seem stupid afterwards.
Anyone wanna air their dirty laundry?
Re: Whose DH doesn't fight fair?
Im porbably the meaner, dirtier fighter of the two of us
I'm sorry you had a crappy morning!
Last night I spazzed out because I get annoyed that I always end up making dinner and Josh doesn't help. It's like "Dude, it won't be like that much longer cause one of us will have to be feeding Puff too." And of course he says that he will help, that he just likes to relax and can't be always go-go, like I am. Ummm yeah, if we didn't have so much stuff to get done than I would be happy to go sit on my ass! But, I also don't like eating dinner at 9:00!
Yeah, I would say that I would more likely be the one to say something hurtful. Don't get me wrong, he can too, but he is much better at biting his tongue than I am.
Wow, it must have been a full moon last night because BOTH of our babies were up all night crying! Same thing happened to us, we started spatting and arguing about who gets up more with them, and then started really fighting. At about 4:00 in the morning!
A lot of times DH will be mad at something else and so a little argument between us will get worse because he is taking out his anger in that argument. He does say some pretty mean things sometimes, but always apologizes later. My response: "Don't be sorry, just don't do it!"
So, no, you are not alone! I hope your day gets better, though!!
My DH can say really mean things while fighting, but the worst part is when I try to tell him how nasty it was, he says he "didn't mean it that way" and that I should "know better" since he was just mad.
The one that gets me the most is when I have a differing opinion and say that I don't think something will work the way he thinks - he always responds with "I'm sorry YOU don't think so." and it's always full of attitude.
It's just one of the little things we're always working on as a couple
Whew! I feel SOOOO much better. So many of the things you girls said are EXACTLY what T does.
Like "just sits on the sofa like nothings wrong" or "Your crying to get attention" or "Yelling down the stairs" or "Get out and don't come back" OMG thats like our fights.
There have been times when we think our fighting is so bad we should get counseling. But now I feel better knowing that our fights are just like everyone elses. Makes me feel more normal
Thank god for you girls!
I feel exactly the same way sometimes about getting counseling. So does DH. If it happened more frequently I think we would. What is important to me is that we both are learning to fight more fair. (yea, me too) We are also having less intense fights, and they are less frequent. If those trends started to reverse, I think we would look to someone else to help us through.