Yeah!!! Chatty is out! But I thought it was weird in the goodbye messages that Ryan sounded like he voted for Nat and not Adam. During After Hours, Sharon said Nat that Ryan would vote for her, not Adam. So now Ryan will get Nat's vote, probably.
Do you think Sharon threw the HOH? I mean 3 people lasted almost 3 hours - that would be 360 min. She was super low. But I can not think of a good reason she would throw it.
Who do you think will go home this week?
Oh yeah - and James! Can you believe he said all that to Chelsia???? What a jerk! She was not at all why he was evicted.
OK. Enough ranting!
Re: Big Brother - Spoiler
I noticed the same thing about the goodbye messages. I think they did it to confuse people so that neither one of them takes the hit, and the blame goes on Sheila. Also, I don't know if Adam knew that Ryan was going to vote Natalie out...hmmm.
I don't know if Sharon threw it or not. She is stupid if she did. Maybe she thinks she can win POV?
I hope that either Sharon or Sheila goes home, more so Sharon because she hasn't done much in the game except tattle on everyone. She is such a high-schooler! I want either Ryan or Adam to win.
In the after hours, one plan the boys had was to split and make Sheila evict Nat. Last night she was pissed they did that. She did not want to get her hands dirty. I think that was mostly why they did it.
I think it would be a riot if Sheila won. She has done nothing in the game. She can not win if the others don't let her!!!
I bet they will get rid of Sheila this week. She gets on Adam's nerves. I think Ryan and Adam will go to the end and I'm hoping Ryan wins. Oh, and I hope he dumps his girlfriend when he does. I thought she was a b*tch.
I'm with you Rags. jen did not even TRY to convince Parker to pick someone other than Ryan. What??? They would have been a tough foursome to beat.
Parker was a pain too. I'm glad he got paired with Jen. Match made in heaven!