Yesterday I had a quick appt at the dr for some awful cramping (and the best part was when I found out it was only gas and a nasty stomach bug that's going around!!! How embarassing, but it's all good!) No ultrasound needed, my cervix is still totally closed and fine, no spotting or anything scary. BUT, the Dr. did use the doppler to listen to the h/b (which DH and I have seem, but weren't scheduled to actually hear until my next appt on April 29). It was really cool! But I didn't cry. As goofy as it sounds, I tried to make myself cry so the Dr. wouldn't think I was some kind of cold mom-to-be (all I could think of was that episode of Friends were Monica tries to get Chandler to cry, and when he doesn't she calls him a robot!). Don't get me wrong, I was soooooo happy to hear it!!! And when I got in the car I started to wonder what was wrong with me, it got me a little nervous. When I got home, I told DH what happened and he said it didn't mean I'd be a bad mom, I was going to be a wonderful, amazing, neurotic mom! And then pointed out that there have been times at home when I've cried thinking about how blessed we are to have this little one coming into our lives, and when I've told people we're expecting and how awesome it is.
So I was just wondering, are there any other ladies out there that this has happened to, or am I the only robot?
Re: I'll be a good mom...right??
I know how you feel. I did not cry when I got my BFP, at the 1st ultrasound, hearing the heartbeat, or when we found out it was a girl. I thought something was wrong with me. My DH said it was because I was too happy to cry....he said my face lit up with the biggest smile he has ever seen and I was glowing at each moment. I guess a huge smile can take over tears of joy. I do sometimes cry when I think how blessed we are.
Do not worry, I think you will be a great mom.
I didn't cry until I saw her at delivery. And even then, just tears running down my eyes, not big sobs.
Keep in mind you were worried and not feeling good! That lingering concern probably clouded any happy emotion. i'm sure you'll be an amazing mother!
Of course you will be an excellent mom. There are all kinds of moms (just like there are all types of kids), some cry at the drop of a hat, some don't. I didn't cry at any appointments. But I sobbed when I met Jillie.
However, I didn't bond with her until she was about 8 mos, and, if everyone will forgive me, I didnt' really miss her while she was at daycare until recently. And I adore her! I have never loved someone more. I bring this up b/c the transition to motherhood isn't always textbook for everyone, and you can start going easier on yourself now.
This actually reminded me of that SATC episode when Miranda got her big u/s. And then there is the follow up episode when things click for her.
of course you'll be a good mom! you love your baby! not everyone cries hearing the hb or seeing the u/s. I consider myself a pretty emotional person (I cry at movies, hallmark cards, etc. I also cry if anyone else is crying) and I did not cry hearing baby's hb or at the u/s. Everyone is different. It is no reflection on how you'll be as a parent or how much you love your child.
You are not a robot or dead inside! and I love the Friends reference by the way. everything in life somehow relates to some episode of Friends
Oh don't worry about it! Of course you'll be a good mom, crying or not certainly doesn't say otherwise.
I didn't cry at all at any of my appointments for either girls. Even Scott cried when we found out the sex. I cried when Arianna was born, because I was scared sh!tless(I was 19..) I didn't cry when Bella was born, but I was so happy both times. With Bella tears just couldn't come out.
There are random times during the day where I'll look at them and cry a little. Because of how much love I have for them, and how much more I want to give them. Honestly, I've been a mother for three years and I cannot wrap my head around it still. It's the most amazing thing in the entire world... whether you cry, or not.
sugar, first of all: I'm glad things are going well & that all is ok with you & the bambino.
secondly: i know how you feel. I didn't cry when I got my BFP or at either of our ultrasounds thus far. We're scheduled to hear the HB next wednesday & I'm already trying to talk myself into crying for it. By like Kristi said, so far I've been smiling too hard to cry, I think!
I do cry when I think about how lucky we are or when DH & I are talking about what it's going to be like to have a piece of the two of us running around. I also BAWLED my eyes out on the way home from work a couple weeks ago when Elton John's "Blessed" came on the radio & I tear up everytime I think about it.
Hey you, you're a child in my head
You haven't walked yet
Your first words have yet to be said
But I swear you'll be blessed
I know you're still just a dream
your eyes might be green
Or the bluest that I've ever seen
Anyway you'll be blessed
And you, you'll be blessed
You'll have the best
I promise you that
I'll pick a star from the sky
Pull your name from a hat
I promise you that, promise you that, promise you that
You'll be blessed
I need you before I'm too old
To have and to hold
To walk with you and watch you grow
And know that you're blessed
I didn't cry when I gave birth. I got weepy when they said, "Do you have a name?" right after I gave birth, but I didn't CRY.
You're going to be a great Mom, don't worry
I agree with pps.
I am the sappiest person I know. I cry at movies, tv shows and commercials for onstar on the radio. When it came to sara, I didn't cry when I got a BFP, I didn't cry when I heard the heartbeat (I was just excitied) and I didn't cry when she was born. Actually if you look at the pictures, I am not even smiling, i look sad (but I wasn't!) I would like to think I am a great mom. I love doing things with her and I fall more in love with her with each new thing I do. Oh and there were times were I could have given her away on the street because we were having such sleeping and crying issues, but then she gives you a cute smile and your are over it.
As proof, here is my pic after birth. Caution it is not pretty and I am sad I don't have any of my smiling. I think I was just so tired I have my eyes closed and Mike is smiling away.
Thanks ladies, all of your responses are making me feel much better
Bek- I couldn't even finish reading the words, I knew I'd start crying at work!!
Um, I didnt cry at my BFP and I didnt cry at my 1st ultrasound. ..i shed a tear but not cried, when I woke up bleeding and had to go to the ER at 12 weeks... oh and I didnt cry when I gave birth and saw her for the first about thinking your a bad mom...i didnt even want to hold DD until they cleaned her that farked up or what?
But you know what, I think I'm a damn good dont worry about it.
oh FWIW, I do cry almost every night when I hold DD and listen to Celine Dions CD and hear Miracle. I think thats what its called....full flowing stream of tears...EVERY night.
But I didnt cry when I held her for the first time. Go figure.
Here, tell me ifyou get teary eyed...........
Miracle lyrics
You're my life's one Miracle, Everything I've done that's good And you break my heart with tenderness, And I confess it's true I never knew a love like this till you.... You're the reason I was born Now I finally know for sure And I'm overwhelmed with happiness So blessed to hold you close The one that I love most With all the future has so much for you in store Who could ever love you more? The nearest thing to heaven, You're my angel from above Only God creates such perfect looooove When you smile at me, I cry And to save your life I'll die With a romance that is pure heart, You are my dearest part Whatever it requires, I live for your desires Forget my own, needs will come before Who could ever love you more? Well there is nothing you could ever do, To make me stop, loving you And every breath I take, Is always for your sake You sleep inside my dreams and know for sure Who could ever love you more?
Bek! DH and his mom danced to that song at our wedding!
Sugargirl! You are going to be an awesome mom. You can never really be prepared for how and when it's going to click with you. Motherhood is never what you think it's going to be. And just when you think you've learned the ropes, the little ones change it up on you. And crying is no measure of anything. You'll do great!