OKAY!!! I'm in the midst of planning a CTNester Team for Relay For Life!!
June 13-14, 2008
4pm on Friday to 4pm on Saturday
Southingtong Highschool Track and Field
Relay For Life is run by the American Cancer Society. It is a 24 hour
walk around the track, where at least 1 person from each team must be
on the track at all times. People bring tents for sleeping, food for
eating, and their sneakers for walking (or running). It is for all
This is the main page of the team i have created - CTNesters. If you,
your DH, friends, or family want to join this team, click on the link
and go to Join Our Team.
If you can not participate and want to donate, go to Dontate, where
you can make a donation to the CTNesters team.
I have created an email address JUST for this Relay For Life :
CTNesters at gmail dot com Please email me if you are interested or
just have questions. I will compile an email list and use it to plan
for food, pick a theme for our team, choose walking time slots, and
discuss fundraising.
Once you have joined the team, an email will be sent to you with a
link to your personal webpage. Here is mine:
Here you can set up your personal goal, choose a picture and write a
statement on why you Relay or anything else you'd like to share. You
will use this webpage to assist you in fundraising. Friends and
Family can click on 'donate' to make a donation on your behalf.
You can also fundraise in person. Once i obtain all the packets, i
will send them out to each team member so you can collect donations is
any way you'd like: At work, family gatherings, or infront of S&S
with a bake sale. Get creative!
So, there you have it! Let me know if your interested.
Thank You!!!
Re: CTNesters Relay For Life!!!! Join Now!
When is the deadline to register?
As far as i know, there is no 'deadline' to register. However, i would like everyone who is going to participate to be registered by June 4th. This will make planning for food and timeslots much easier.
This bumping stuff is crap! How long did it take for this to reach the second page...where no one will ever see it???? I'll tell ya!...1/2 hour!
So, sorry girls...i'm going to bump this up a few times today unless some of ya'll reply and bump it up for me.