I was just re-reading sugargirl's post and wanted to thank you for your response. ?My sister is experience motherhood in a similar way that you described and I think she thinks there is something wrong w/her. ?I try to normalize it all for her. ?Anyway, I agree with you that not every motherhood experience is "textbook" and it's nice to hear real life stories.
It's even good for me to hear/see it b/c I think I've totally idealized and romantacized (not sure if that is a real word) motherhood b/c of all of my struggles. ?I am realizing that what is in my head is very different from reality. ? Not that motherhood isn't amazing and wonderful but it definitely isn't all rainbows and smiles.
Re: *~*DuffOliver~*~
You're very welcome! I'll tell you there is a part of me that is a little wary of posting some of that stuff b/c I fear judgment. Even though I think I've made complete peace with my experience.
Hugs to your sister - I know she didn't have the easiest birth experience and it's like that sets up a whole different set of "this isn't what I planned" feeling that probably arent the best springboard for a major life upheaval.
I will say that as much as the first year wasn't quite what I imagined in my neat little fantasy of perfect mother/perfect child, the 2nd year is much, much cooler than I anticipated.
I think it's great that you post that stuff and no one has the right to judge b/c nobody lives your life. ?I think it is so good to be real. ?I am glad that the 2nd year is so cool....I will share that w/her. ?I personally think she is doing an awesome job and I tell her that but I do check in to see how she is feeling and I am glad she can share her thoughts. ?My nephew is so friggin' cute and adorable. ?I'd love to post a pic but I haven't asked her and the lurkers kinda freak me out anyway.