So tell me what your hot button issues are so we can discuss them.
I am pro-life, anti-gay marriage. I voted for Bush both times, but am extremely disappointed with him, especially over the Hurricane Katrina ordeal. I'm supporting Barak Obama for this year's election. I'm in an interracial marriage. I think my generation in general are way too permissive as parents. I believe in spanking. I'm a Christian, but try not to "shove it down people's throats" & am far more liberal now than when I first became saved. I get frustrated with "Christians" who act ignorant & give us all a bad name. My husband works at Toyota & we are staunchly anti-union. I think the amount of debt the average family has in this country is ridiculous, another symptom of my generations apparent lack of boundaries.
Yes, this is completely random. Please feel free to start a thread on whichever topic struck a nerve.
Re: Let's get this board moving again
I am a pretty conservative person, but I also have a degree in biology and am very concerned about the environment/global warming. I was a big fan of Fred Thompson, but alas, I cannot vote for him. (I think he threw in the towel too soon). I hope that Obama wins the demo. nomination. I have no idea who I will vote for between Obama and McCain, but I will not vote for Hillary.
I think your comments about so-called-Christians are spot on. This reminds me of Big Brother (of course ) Natalie and her preaching were for one, annoying, but also outrageously hypocritical (of course they didn't show a lot of that on TV). I hate that people who are supposedly religious are some of the most judgmental people out there. I also don't believe in shoving religion down people's throats. I think that one's relationship with God is a private matter.
A brief note about unions: they are the reason American car companies are going under.
wow, I am also a Christian and currently going through Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University through our church to get out of debt and start saving. It is crazy how spending cash really cuts down on spending overall. I have no idea who I will vote for I don't like Clinton or Obama really.
I just rode a horse for the first time in many years and today I'm paying for it. I'm not as young as I once was.
A brief note about unions: they are the reason American car companies are going under.
Exactly, Rags. Although the big 3 not doing well is good for us, we get very angry about what they are doing to their employees.
My beliefs are different from most of yours - I consider myself a liberal, and am pro-choice and could care less who marries who. I'm having a real hard time backing either Democrat this year (I wish John Edwards was still around!) because of the nit-picking both are doing, but I'm an absolute political junkie. I love election time, and am extremely thankful for the Democratic process we have. It's empowering to be able to elect the leader of our country!
I don't think our world cares as much about the environment as we should. This is a major issue with me - I read endlessly about the impact we're having on the Earth and it worries me what the state of our environment is going to be like in 10 years, much less when my grandchildren are grown. I donate money and volunteer time to several environmental groups, and write letters to my Senators and Congressmen to support key environmental laws.
I love the differences I see in people I know and meet - regardless if they're similar or different to me, or conflict or agree with my beliefs. I try very hard to not judge anyone for who they are, what they've been through or where they're from. Sometimes, that can be difficult, but I always look for the good in people first before jumping to conclusions. DH thinks I'm naive (I think he's cynical) but I refuse to believe that people are anything other than good because hate is a learned behavior.
I'm more along the lines of CJ. I'm pro-choice and support gay marriage. I refused to vote for Chandler in his re-elcetion because of his stance on gay marriage. And basically that is because he voted his own views without much concern for how his constituents felt. Granted, probably most Kentuckians are not for gay marriage, but it's the fact that he just voted how he felt.
I am not happy with either of the democratic candidates, and the longer this goes on the harder it will be for the dems to win. They keep cutting each other down and making it harder to like either one.
I am Christian, but I feel that every person has to decide for themselves what is right and wrong. It's not for me to tell anyone else what is morally right.