Ok ladies, I don't mean to start a huge heated debate or anything but I have some questions.
Jake and I don't really follow any religion. We 'celebrate' holidays like Christmas, Easter, Hannukah (I'm 1/2 Jewish)...but we do not really celebrate for the religious reasons, more so for tradition.
Now, when we have children, we're not sure what we're going to do with them yet. I think we'll probably follow what we're doing now and they can choose later in life what they'd like to do.
So my question is, if you have children (or will at some point) how do you treat the religion thing? Especially if you're not religious yourself, do you try and do anything for the kids?
Re: Religion question....
I don't have any insight to offer, but I just wanted to say that DH and I are basically in the same situation. We were both raised Catholic, but we don't practice anymore. I am agnostic, leaning toward atheism, while DH thinks he believes in "something," but is not sure what. But we definitely don't agree with the teachings of the Catholic Church or any other for that matter.
I'm not sure what we'll do either. We are so attached to the traditions and holidays of Catholicism, but we don't want to be hypocrites and raise a child to be a religion that we don't believe in or agree with either. I hope you get some helpful reponses!
Well, for us, Scott is Protestant and I am Catholic. We've decided that instead of pushing one or the other onto the girls(plus choosing which would be such a huge headache) we're going to teach them about each and let them choose what they want. We haven't and won't get them Baptized. IF they want to later in life, we will support them no matter what religion they want to follow.
Just a side note, this isn't making my very Catholic family very happy.
I had a post touching on this yesterday, about baptism and what to do about it since DH and I are not religious. But, just because we aren't religious doesn't mean our kids can't be. We want them to make their own choices about their beliefs. So we probably will have them baptized (in the Protestant church)...and we'll continue to celebrate holidays that we usually do (XMas, Easter, etc.).
The only thing I'm conflicted on is whether we will bring them to church or not.
We are in a similar place. There were a couple discussions about this yesterday. I am Catholic, DH is Protestant, but neither of us are what you would call "practicing."
We will, however, Baptize our children (most likely Catholic, possibly Lutheran but I'd have to find out more about it) and raise them to follow the religion. I definitlely want to Baptize my kids, but as Nigoleta pointed out yesterday, I do think it's important to follow through after a Baptism. I would make sure the child was educated on whichever religion we chose and after confirmation, they could decide for themselves how they want to continue.
I am Catholic, DH protestant. He agrees to raise them CAtholic. It's pretty important to me....We want them to have one reference point and then from there, when they are old enough to choose, they can decide if it's for them or not...but to have 'nothing' to me is not helping them at all (not trying to debate, just voicing my ver personal opinion) If they are raised without any introduction to God, what the holidays mean, and what it means to me and DH, then chances are they won't go find it later. If they turn from it later then that's one thing, but I hope to give them a starting point...