So I have a Canon Digital Rebel, and while we were in the hospital it stopped working. The screen flashed Error 99, and the shutter was making a weird noise, almost like it wasn't shutting completely. Now, I don't think the shutter is moving at all.(I googled the error and it basically said it could be like a billion differed things)
Scott's friend fixes cameras for a living and he said it might/probably need to be cleaned. The only thing is costs like 80$ to do it(he works at Precision Camera in Enfield). Do any of you know a place that does it for a little less? Do you think it would be a dumb idea for me to do it myself? Do any of you know how to clean them?
I'm hoping it just needs to be cleaned, because this is just the regular Rebel, and if something needs to be fixed I'll just get a new base(which btw I'd love to have the new XSI coming out this motnh, I saw it on Amazon for 800$ with no lenses, but I have a few lenses already) because we want to upgrade in the first place, and it isn't really worth the money to fix(I got it for under 500$ used on eBay last year). But I'm using a point and shoot and I hate it. Oh and Costso has the XTI with lenses for I think under 700$, so if we were t put a few 100$ into a camera, we might as well just save up for a better one. Anyway any help at all would be great. Sorry this got so long and ramble-y.
Re: photographer nesties; help please!
Ah, the dreaded Error 99. I know it well!
$80 for cleaning it is about right, but I highly doubt that's the problem unless you're really messy with the camera. Put it this way, my cameras get heavy use and mild abuse and cleaning has never been the issue behind an error code. Cleaning it will mostly remove spots on the sensor. The only place that cleaning could fix an error code is the contacts that touch the lens. Sometimes they develop a film.
Have you tried everything to trouble shoot it? Pop the battery out and in. Try a different battery. Take the lens off and put it back on even better if you can put on a different lens to eliminate that as a problem. Try wiping off the contacts where the lens goes. Also, try switching to a different CF card to see if the card is the problem.
LMK how you make out.