Poor little Daisy girl. This is the third one. November 28, February 17 and today, April 18. All between 5:45 am and 5:50 am. This morning I woke up to the sound of her running up the stairs into my bedroom and knew right away when she got to my side of the bed what was happening. The first time I freaked out, second time she was at my parents (I was away). I just sat there this time and said a prayer for the LONG minute until she stopped. Then, we had vomiting and diarrehea. Now she is exhausted and asleep at home.
I remember some other people had had experiences with this when I posted before. The vet has told me he wouldn't do anything further unless they start occuring more than once a month.
Re: My poor pup had another seizure
When I used to work at Colchester Vet, sometimes the owners would request bloodwork to see if there were any glaring problems (usually a Superchem, CBC, T4, Free T4). Most doctors don't like to put them on anti-seizure meds too soon because of long term use side effects. I am sorry poor Daisy had a another seizure, they are so scary to watch. I hope she is able to sleep this off and feel better later today.
Poor Daisy. ((HUGS)) to you & her.
thanks ladies. Now that she's all cleaned up & okay, I'm exhauasted!
Aw poor Daisy! I remember the last one
I hope her and Mom are getting some rest!
My mom has a german short haired pointer that had seizures in the past. She was put on phenobarbitol (sp?), which is basically what they give people who have epilepsy. (My mom even gets the prescription filled at a regular drug store.) The dog is fine and hasn't had a seizure since. You might want to ask your vet if this is an option. My mother was almost ready to give the dog up because she thought the dog was in pain when she had a seizure, but she is perfectly fine now with the medicine.
What kind of dog is it? It looks like it could be a chocolate lab or a German shorthaired from the photo. I'm curious if it's the same kind of dog my mom has.
Good luck!
Yes, she has her liver function tests done every six months or so. So far it has not affected her. The vet said as long as they monitor it and adjust the dosage as necessary, she should be fine.
Poor Daisy and Daisy's mom....
Poor Daisy! I'm sorry. How old is she? My BF had a weimaraner, when she started getting older, she started haveing seizures. Her vet didn't know why either. Maybe it's a older weimaraner thing?
Hope she gets better soon.