Hey girls, it's been awhile. Ummm about a year in a half or so.
Small recap....my marriage was annulled six months after wedding so i moved back home and saved up to get my own place. I've been working with a realtor that a friend of mine recommened but haven't had much success with her. I feel that she isn't aggressive with my offers which have lead me to loose out on three places in the last three months. My agreement to work with her is till June 20th but I'm thinking of dropping her before then. I have someone else in mind that I'd like to work with.
Is there a penalty if I start working with someone else before my agreement expired?
Advice needed,
Re: not happy w/realtor
Sorry to hear about your marriage. ::Hugs::
Technicially, if you bought a home using another agent while still under the agreement with your current agent (assuming you signed one), she could come after you and ask for commissions on your purchase. Have you spoken with your current realtor about the issues you're facing? I would take that step first and see if it gets better. June 20th isn't that far away, so I wouldn't enter into an agreement with a new agent until then.
Hey Z,
If your using our realtor that I recommended to you, I'm sorry she's not working out for you.
She was great for us when we bought and sold our condo and then bought our house. I would email her and be honest with her, no matter who it is.