Since I have Spring Fever, list 5 things that you love about Spring Time in Kentucky!
I love:
1. Keeneland, of course!
2. Everything that's in bloom! On my way into work this morning, I passed hyacinths, daffodils, pear trees, apple trees, plum trees and redbuds that are blooming. SO gorgeous!
3. Hearing the birds in the morning as I get up for work. I'm know this isn't just a KY thing, but certainly a Spring thing!
4. Farmer's Markets that pop up around Lexington.
5. Chilly mornings and warm afternoons/evenings. Even though it sucks to dress in layers, I love that I get to look forward to warm afternoons. And, I love that it stays light later in the evening!
Re: Monday Poll
1. Daffodils - they are my favorite flower.
2. Wearing skirts and short sleeves again.
3. Being able to open the windows in the house (this is my cats' favorite thing about spring, too
4. Graduation parties, wedings, and showers.
5. I have to agree with Farmer's markets.
1. Blooming flowers
2. Spending more time outside
3. Being able to leave my windows open and enjoy the fresh air
4. Definitely the longer days! (I love that it is still light out when I leave work late!)
5. Kentucky Derby!!
Warmer weather
longer light hours
Rolex at KHP
Taking trooper for walks
p.s. I don't like the birds we have a lot in our back yard.