Tanner is 21 months old and uses his binky for naps and going to sleep. Well it had been bothering me for a while and I deceied to just try to see what happend when I put him down tonight without it. I told him he was a big boy ( he agreed, LOL) and he just needed to go to bed without it. He asked for it once I said no then he went in the crib. He cried for abot 30 seconds about 10 minutes later and I just waited. He stopped and then started 10 minutes later and I went in told him again that he didn't need it and rubbed his face until he fell asleep. He has not woken up again, that was almost 2 hours ago!
The problem is my MIL. I love her and she is wonderful, but made me feel really bad. She told me I was making him grow up too fast and if I didn't have a second child, I would have never felt like he was a " big boy" yet. She also said I was the mom and she would do whatever I wanted ( she watches him twice a week) but that what happens at grandma's stays at grandma's. I know she wouldn't go behind and give it to him, but she made me feel so guilty. BTW if he had cried for it, I would probably given in, but he didn't even ask for it. She just made me feel bad, what do you think?
Re: I need moral support RE: breaking binky habit
JennyB's Contact!!!
my MIL gave me a hard time w/ the binky too...telling me it was too early.
The fact of the matter is after about 18 months it can start having a real impact on your childs teething. So forget that you're making him "grow up to fast" you want him to have a healthy mouth and try and save yourself from braces 10 years from now! Tell her that!
Our pedi told me to start weening at 6 mo. from the binky. I didn't of course, but now wish I had b/c it was very very hard at a year and 1/2.
Some people will tell you it's too early, some people will tell you it's too late, you know? My pedi told me to get rid of it by 2. Other people told me that at 2, she'd have better reasoning skills to handle some sort of "bye bye binky" ceremony.
BTW, 21 mos is "big" in our house. And it's not like you're asking him to go out and get a job.
Your mil needs to understand that he is your child and you need to do what you feel is right. I agree, it is not too early to start to wean him off the binky.
I saw a great way about doing this too on Super Nanny, was actually kind of cute and got the little boy to do it on his own, I think he was about 2 so he understood everything. She told him that they needed to put the binky's away for the binky fairy, she collects them and gives them to little boys and girls that need them. They decorated an envelope and he placed them in the mailbox. The next morning, she had put some glitter and another little package, stuffed with like stickers and little toys that he would like. It was a really cute idea if you need to take it to the next level.