Emma had her tubes placed today. We had to arrive at 6:45 am for her 8:45 surgery. She couldn't eat after 2:45, so I set an alarm and got up at 2:30 to feed her. We kept her occupied with toys and a magazine that she could tear up while we waited our turn at the hospital this morning.
The whole thing, from the time the anesthesiologist took her from me to the end was 12 minutes. The doctor said she was full of thick glue-like gunk. Her body has been trying to fight this gunky stuff off for months! She was one of the unlucky kids that get aggitated and angry when she was waking up. We could hear a baby screaming while we were talking to the doctor and didn't think it was her.....she is not a screamer, just a crier. Sure enough, they take us to recovery and she is screaming her head off! She screamed and squirmed for about 30 minutes.
She is better now and had a great day! She already seems like she is feeling better.
Re: Emma had surgery