Everything went very well on Thursday!! Haley was born on 4/17/08. She weighed exactly 9 pounds and is 20 inches long. I put some pictures in my bio so check it out! Here is my birth story:
We arrived at the hospital at 11:00 a.m.; surgery was scheduled for 1:00 p.m. We got checked in, were put into a room in OB Triage for monitoring, to get the IV started, etc. Right around 1:00 they were taking Bryan and I into the operating room to get things started. We were through the doors (can you imagine the excitement and anticipation?) when we were told to go back because a woman was in labor and at 8 cm! I wasn't sure how long we'd have to wait but we ended up only having to wait until 1:40.
They took us back through the doors and had Bryan wait outside while I got the spinal. I was a little freaked out when I walked in because there were all these people and equipment in the room and it was a little overwhelming. I sat down on the table and got the spinal and it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I was nervous because I was going to go drug free when I was planning a vaginal delivery.
Bryan came in and was so wonderful the entire time. He held my hand and just kept telling me how much he loved me and that everything would be fine. I could feel them tugging at me during the surgery but felt no pain at all. They had a sheet up so I couldn't see anything at all. I heard the male nurse tell Bryan it was time to look if he wanted to watch! Bryan stood up and watched them pull his little girl out. I heard the doctor say "look at those chubby little cheeks" as they were pulling her out. After a few seconds I heard her first cry and I knew everything was going to be fine.
They took her over to the heated crib to clean her up, get her measurements, etc. and Bryan got to hold her about 2 minutes later. He was all teary eyed and kept saying how pretty she was. I was crying on and off the whole time I was in there out of joy. He brought her over to me and I was able to kiss her but I had to wait 25 minutes to hold her while they sewed me up. That was the longest 25 minutes of my life!!
They wheeled us out of the operating room and I got to hold her in my arms while we were taken to a room in recovery. I was able to breastfeed right away when we got over there and she latched right on. We had about an hour together just the 3 of us before we let our moms come in and see her.
All in all, things went very well and I'm so glad I went with the C-section. My doctor told me she was very high in the pelvis and that she probably wouldn't have come out on her own even with an induced labor. I'm so glad I saved myself the pain of all that when I probably would have ended up going this route anyway.
We're so happy to be home and to be a family. We're still trying to figure some things out but everything is going very well and we're all very happy. I just love being a mommy!!!
Re: Haley Marie has arrived!
Congrats! I'm glad everything went smoothly. It was a beautiful birth story, thanks for sharing....
BTW - she really is adorable!