So my neighbor last Thursday had complained that my dog and our other neighbor's dog was pooping on his yard. I told him I was sorry and that I would try hard not to let it happen again. He said "I know it's not just your dog but I wanted to let you know. I made the mistake of petting them both now and they do is come over here to get petted again and poop on my yard! So I have to shoo them away." Once again I said that I was sorry and that I will try not to let it happen again.
We were in our garage at the time and my husband was in the attic putting some stuff away. He had asked me what it was that our neighbor said but since the neighbor was still really close to our house because he was working on his yard. I explained what had happened in Spanish. Especially since he was kind of rude in the way he said it I didn't want him to hear us talking about him and make it worse.
That was Thursday. Friday-Sunday we were in Miami. Monday I took Mickey for a walk with us and we went out to dinner so he wasn't loose in the front yard at all. Tuesday I got home late so I let him out in our back yard not our front yard so he wasn't in the neighbor's yard again either.
Well yesterday Wednesday when I got home from work I had a Official Notice from Animal Services. It seems that our perfect neighbor reported Mickey to the county and said that he's constantly pooping in his yard and roams our around with out a collar. Which is not true! He's always had a collar on, especially since he got his rabies shot last month I have to have that tag on him!
I'm sooo pissed! Oh and guess what our other neighbors (Mickey's best friend :-D) who's three times the size of Mickey and so is his poop didn't get reported! I wouldn't have gotten so upset if he would've reported us both because everyone knows he's the neighborhood's jerk..but he didn't it was just us. It may seem a little irrational but I think it was partly because we spoke Spanish after he left. I know it sounds silly but I can't think of what else it could've been. He's very demeaning to women including his wife. He normally doesn't speak to the women in their neighborhood he'd rather talk to the husband's. Our neighbors have also said that he comes off as being racist too...I don't know.
I know my dog shouldn't have pooped in his yard in the first place. That's my fault. However, its not like he's had to talk to us 5 times and we haven't down anything about it either...
What do you guys think? Would you be mad? Am I over reacting? Would you confront him about it?
Re: Stupid Neighbor Vent
Well since he has reported you it doesn't seem like he is willing to be rational. I am sure that you already made sure to clean up any and all poop in his yard. You appologized and that is all you can do, maybe from now on make sure your dog goes out in the back only or if he is in the front supervise him for a while? In this case it seems to pay off to be extra diligent because I would hate for him to call animal services again, can you contact them and tell them what happened just so they have it on file in case he reports you again?
If you really wanted to I guess have your husband go over (since you said he prefers to deal w/ husbands) and say we again appologize and have been very careful to make sure he stays off your yard and clean up after him that way we can avoid wasting animal services time? At least that way he will know that you realize it was him that called.
Good luck, this is tough, seems like he just wants to be a pain.
Hey Manny:) Seems like your neighbor is a big douche! This is exactly why my dh says he would like to meet the neighbors before we ever move into any other house. They really can make life a PITA.
If I were you I would have you or your husband calmly confront the neighbor and tell him that you got the notice from Animal Services (not accusing him but just acknowledging it) and you're taking xyz measures to make sure the problem doesn't continue and therefore there shouldn't be a reason for anymore anonymous calls. And at the same time explain how it wasn't your dog anyway.
Maybe he'll get the clue that you are aware its his douchey self making the calls. Hope that helps!
I don't think he tried to be anonymous anyways because the first thing they said when I called was his name and address. I'm sure he wanted us to know exactly who complained...
Even more of a douche. Yeah then you have full right to confront him directly. I also agree with the pp that said to see if you could have your side on file as well. Hope this neighbor gets a grip. Sorry he's such an ass.
Like you I would be upset however I would just let it go.
I will not lie, it would be hard, but in light of him being your neighbor and the fact that he may be there to stay at least for a while, just let it go. It isn't worth getting more stressed out about.
In the meantime as said previously, going forward just don't let your dog get on his property.
I know it may be hard, but both think of it from the perspective that you are both property owners and want the best for your property.
I'm telling you this guy swears he runs the neighborhood because he's one of the original owners! Whatever! Get over yourself. He once told us to keep our garbage can behind our fence because it looks really ugly and it can lower our the property value of the block....seriously? LOL.
I wanted to share a pic of Mickey. Doesn't he look like he terrorizes the neighbors?
Hey girl. The guy sounds like an a-hole that doesn't like dogs. That said, there is a leash law and your sweet little guy shouldn't be out in someone else's front yard. My neighbor's dog poops in my yard and while it drives me nuts, I wouldn't report them because they are my friends.
And I have to say that if I said something to my neighbor and they turned around and started talking about me in Spanish, I would be quite ticked too. So I don't think you're being irrational thinking that might have been what set him off.
Your dog is adorable. Just keep him away from that meanie neighbor and his yard and let it go. I'm always afraid that people like that would do something to the dog if you provoked him.
I didn't know of leash laws especially since this is our first dog for both of us that we take full responsibility for (and not our Dads..LOL) and we don't know fully know how Central Florida functions vs. South Florida.
I'm sure that's what set him off too because he's just that kind of person. If I would've complained to Manny in English he was still close enough to hear and it would've made matters worse. None the less if you're complaining about both dogs you should report both dogs.
And you're right I'd rather he do all his stupid reports and have it out with him than do something to our dog to harm him.
I wish! I would love to do any of that. Acutally he always leaves his truck with the windows open and I would love to throw a fish in there! LOL
I don't have the guts for that stuff. Our luck we'd get sent to jail or something! LOL
Here is an excerpt from Seminole County's website:
Section 20.17 ANIMALS AT LARGE
It shall be unlawful for any animal owner to allow, either willfully or through failure to exercise due care and control, his animal(s) to run at-large upon public property, unless said public property expressly authorizes the same, or upon private property of others, including common areas of condominiums, cluster homes, planned unit developments, and community associations without the consent of all owners thereof, unless said private property owners authorize the same by express or implied consent.
So just be careful or I could see him having you fined for the dog being on his property. Some people are such asshats.
Thanks! We live in Orange County but I think its the same b/c on the notice they checked off "at large."
Yeah he's an ass!
OMG!` I would be so mad too! I too am a first time dog owner, but have learned quite a few "county/state" laws for pets... Did you know that we the owner can be ticketed if we don't pick up the poop our animal drops... YEAH! There are signs all over my neighborhood, and I have some crazy neighbors who watch to see if you've picked up your dogs poop... they have there camera out and all! Ready to take a picture and send it into the county! So be careful about that too.... I have a yorkie, and her poop at times is so small I can't find it between the blades of grass, but we still make an attempt to pick it up. Of course its normally the larger dogs in our neighborhood whose owners don't pick it up! But that's besides the point.... hang in there, and to keep everything neutral--keep your dog away from his property. It sucks that there are stupid people out there! I would also warn the other dog's owner about what happened to you.... If your husband can stay calm I would say confront him, but if he's anything like my husband--he would be screaming in his face! So it might not be a good idea! lol... Hang in there.
We should have a doggy GTG!
Yea I did know that some neighborhood enforce that but ours doesn't. At least there's no
I was totally tthink the same thing about a doggy GTG. I want to find some doggy parks and my doggy needs the social interaction with people and other doggys he wasn't treated good before we got him.. :-(
Honestly I wish my association did enforce it...Reason being...I have two pugs (adult and puppy) of which I pick up both their poop and I have a neighbor (don't know who yet) that lets their dog poop across the sidewalk from my property and doesn't pick it up...
It urkes the heck out of me for the fact its nasty and its directly across the sidewalk in front of my property where I walk my dogs, and in my mind, I'm thinking if you're not going to pick it up than let your dog poop only in front of your property/yard since you don't care to pick it up. I don't want my dogs to accidently track that in my house or the sidewalk because that's where I take them to do their business. And I have two that I take the time to pick up after.
My association is new and still managed by the builders so we don't have any signs enforcing it nor is the pet walk area completed yet.
Nonetheless, my opinion is that it is still the responsibility of the pet owner to pick up after their dog regardless if its enforced or not...but I think it may be an ongoing issue I'm sure I will encounter...
Sorry, now I'm venting and have gotten side tracked from the original topic...
I have a question since I'm new at this. We have a grassy area on the other side of the sidewalk that's city property so if a dog were to poop there and its in front of your house but not your private property is that ok?
I ask b/c whenever I take Mickey for a walk I make sure he does any of his business only there since its not private property and quite honestly I don't pick it up because I didn't know I had to. My HOA doesn't have any signs....and I've never seen any of the neighbors do it.
The issue with the neighbor was that Mickey did poop on his yard (his private property) when I left him out with our other neighbor's dog and I didn't know about it until he told us about it. Otherwise had I seen it I would've picked it up. Just as if Mickey would poop in someone elses private yard while on a walk I would pick it up. My issue with him is that he complained, I told him I'd try not to let it happen again, it didn't yet he still reported me anyways and just my dog, not both dogs he was complaining about.
Lurker here, but I had to chime in. ?Orange County Code (and almost every jurisdiction) requires you to pick up animal waste from public areas and private property beloinging to others. ?You are responsible for picking up the poo from the easement area. ?Property owners are responsible for maintaining their easement area, so if you aren't picking it up, one of your neighbors is
. ?
If you want to see the Orange County Code provision, you can log on to ?You can select your state and county. ?Chapter 5 addresses animals. ??