My MIL has had cancer for the past 5 or 6 years. She went through all of the treatments and told us last Thanksgiving that if it came back she was tired of fighting and just wanted to live life (the treatments make her really sick and pretty much not able to function) so, in January she went in and they found more cancer in her spine and throughout her body. They gave her 3-6 months.. ughh sorry.. anyway, we are going to my DH family house for memorial day for her mothers day and i cant think of what to get her. I didnt want to get her an item because i know that although she will love whatever we give her, she will just give it back and say she wont need it too long. Even though i love flowers for mothers day, i want something more special for her mothers day... this is really hard to write. um, so i paint and thought about making her a painting of some beautiful flowers or something. I DONT KNOW!! Can anyone give me some idea's on what you think might be something special that she won't want to hand back to me. I know this is a very strange request and sad.. but i would really love some fresh ideas. Thanks!!!
Re: MIL Mothers Day
I'm so sorry to hear all of that Autumn. But I think the painting is a great idea!
I really like the painting idea...
Some other ideas:
Donate to a charity you think she supports in her name. Like an honorary donation or something.
Name a star after her. I know most people think that's cheesy but I love that concept.
How about in Disney where they have the legacy plaques have one made in her honor..??
I'm not sure what these ideas will cost but they are more permanent than most gifts...
I'm very sorry to hear about your Mother in Law. Reading your post, I tried to think of what I would like to recieve if I was in her position. Here is what I think:
I think that a painting would be beautiful. I think anything that comes from your heart and is significant to her would be a great gift.
If she won't accept a gift, you could make a donation in her name to a cause or church that she cares about.
Also, if she loves flowers, you could get the family together and plant some in her yard, and call it a celebration garden- you could bring her out into the yard while you plant and make a family activity of it. Like a painting, she would see it every day, and it would remind her of the family that loves her very much.
I don't know how well she is, but if there is an activity she loves, it would be great for your whole family to participate in it- take the opportunity to make some memories- maybe even get a photographer (or a talented friend) to take some family pictures for you MIL and everyone else to have.
I hope this helps!
Reading these ideas made me tear up. This must be so hard for you Autumn...
I really like all of the ideas above. The painting would be really sweet!
I also really like the idea of taking her somewhere. Do you have a certain budget? Even if so...get a family portrait done (depending on how she's feeling) and do something fun. Maybe a dinner cruise or something? Somewhere where she can feel special and have a good time.
I also love the celebration garden idea. My DH's grandma passed away a couple of years ago, and grandpa made a memorial garden. He works out there all the time, keeping it beautiful, and he has a place to connect to her.
I'm so sorry that you, Ian, and your family are going through this.
Scheduled IVF for April 2013--SURPRISE, don't need it! EDD 9/6/13
I'm so sorry that you guys are going through this. Last week dh's dad was diagnosed with cancer and we're still spinning because things are looking really advanced.
I don't really have any suggestions other than to say I got a tear when I thought about you giving her a painting of flowers you created yourself. That is so thoughtful and sweet and permanent. A painting is something so personal and special so I vote for the painting. I wish I had that talent as well.
Strength to you and your family at this time.
The painting sounds wonderful.
I'd also recommend putting together a photo scrapbook of pictures of y'all with her and writing notes under each photo.
I am so sorry you have such a hard decision to make. I have gotten all teared up just reading what everyone came up with. I do not have any ideas, but these girls are very creative! I love your idea about the painting, the idea about the donation in her name, and having a star named after her. Those are all things that will mean a lot. I am sure what ever you give her will be perfect for her and enjoy the time you all have together. I would definately do a family picture with everyone.
Good luck and I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Ponder-ing whether or not to become a Viking's fan
So sorry to hear this.
I love everyone's idea's. I really love the portrait idea as one of many things that you guys can do when you go to visit her... I can tell you that Target always has coupons, and you can get a portrait package for $7.99! If she is up to it I like the idea of everyone making memories and spending time doing stuff that makes her feel like a princess! Positive vibes sending your way.
Is she able to get around? if so, I like soccer's idea to do something special together to make a wonderful memory for both her and Ian.
This has got to be so hard on everyone. hugs.
So sorry about your MIL. How sad.
I really like the family picture idea, even if you guys DIY it. The painting would be really sweet too.
Hi Autumn just wondering what did you end up doing for your MIL. Hope it was a very special and memorable day.