I e-mailed my final paper in last night at midnight and now I am officially done!!!!!!!! What an amazing feeling. I really can't believe I'm done. Now I have graduation on May 17th, and then on the 18th I start my bar review course, so I still have some work to do before I can officially call myself an attorney...but at least I'm done with classes, finals, and papers!
Anyway, I just feel so blessed to have been given the opportunities that I've been given, and I feel so incredibly grateful to have such an amazing support system. My parents have always pushed me to do my best and without their support and without them pushing me, who knows if I would have gotten this far. And then there is my wonderful, amazing, incredible husband who has spent the last two years supporting me (financially, emotionally, etc.) so that I could finish school. So yes, I am definitely feeling very mushy today It's a great feeling and I just feel like such a lucky girl and I am soooo thankful!
Thanks for letting me share.
Re: done with law school :)
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
Congrats! What an amazing feeling! Any idea what type of law you'd like to focus on once you pass the bar?
Wow Congrats, what an accomplishment!!
My blog
Thanks everyone!
I really, really love family law (divorces and child custody) and that's what I ultimately want to practice exclusively, but my current employer, who I will stay with at least until the baby is born and maybe for a little while afterwards, does different kinds of laws. A little bit of family, but mostly construction litigation and personal injury.
Make a pregnancy ticker
what a great feeling! congrats on all your hard work!