In response to your question yesterday...
I think you may have to pick up regardless if its public or private property pending your city or county ordinances. Our association doesn't have any signs yet since its a newer development, but prior to buying our home we lived in Seminole county as well and I knew at least in Altamonte Springs it was required by ordinances and I'm thinking more than likely its the same in LM.
However even if it isn't required, its still a good idea to do so for reasons of health to your dog as well as other dogs that may use that same area. Parvo and other diseases can spread that way. Vaccinations will of course prevent the effect on your dog (talk with your vet to get more detail) but keep in mind that its a community for all to enjoy
Also one of your neighbors or your dog could possibly accidently walk in his mess from a previous time, not a pretty thing... And not to mention when it gets warm, its a possibility that the smell from times past will come to haunt you when you return to that area
I do know there are poop service companies out there whereby they will come out to your yard, clean and dispose of your doggie waste for you. If thats not a viable option, little baggie or using old Publix bags would work.
Re: Mannyandnery
Thanks for the info!!!
Could've done with out the warm poop picture...lmao! But I know what you mean.
I just wanted to let you know I responded to your earlier thread, but I wasn't sure if you checked. ?Orange County does require you to pick it up from private and public property. ?
And, your dog is a cutie! ??