OK...that subject line is a little misleading! I'm considering changing my OB/GYN because DH & I are thinking next year we'll start trying to get pregnant. I'm currently at OHSU, and I like it there (although maybe a tad too big). I live near Good Sam, so I was thinking that would be a great place to have the baby, but I don't know anything about the birthing, maternity ward, or physicians.
Anyone have any thoughts on the best hospital to have a baby in Portland? My top 3 are OHSU, Good Sam, and Emanuel. I prefer a female physician. Any suggestions?
I appreciate all your thoughts!
Re: Where to make a baby?
My friend had her baby at Good Sam and the birthing suites are like hotel rooms. Dimmed lights, art, flat screen tvs and uncomfortable couches (but that seems they are at every hospital). She said it was a good experience, even though she had planned a c-section.
However, OHSU has the lowest c-section rates, midwives, tubs and other options since they are bigger. It just depends on what you want. If you are close to Good Sam, you are probably close to OHSU. The first baby rarely comes fast, so you will have time to get to the hospital. Also, OHSU has a team approach, so you may not get the person you want, but this avoids the MDs rushing you/pushing towards immediate intervetion.
I only know the details about OHSU (duh).
But it doesn't hurt to call around. No doctor in mind, as we aren't trying for another 2 years. I can ask around if you want. Many of my coworkers had their babies (all birthing routes) at OHSU.
Mi Casa
Hey Darlin' Ducks!
I literally live across the street from Good Sam, and it just seems a little silly to go anywhere else. You're right...OHSU is not far at all, though. My main issue is not getting to the hospital, it's having my husband visit me regularly.
With his job I think it would be easiest on him if I were at either Good Sam (across the street) or Emanuel (where he is day-to-day). Also, since he doesn't work at Good Sam but does work at both Emanuel & OHSU, I feel like it might be a little more private without a bazillion of his co-workers popping in throughout the day.
So I'm torn...stay with OHSU or make the change but not be sure what I'm getting. Hmmm...
FYI, dads can stay over night at OHSU rooms.
I'll be delivering at OHSU in about a month, so I can tell you how it went then. I have been seeing Jennifer Lochner, a family medicine practitioner. I love her! I could go on and on about how much I like her, using a family med doc, and the clinic. Like pp said, OHSU also has a midwife program that is supposed to be stellar, if that's your style.
I noticed that someone on your XP mentioned students at OHSU. I have had a student observer two of my appointments. It doesn't bother me. After all, there's only one way to learn. And it's always just the one student, so I don't feel like a museum exhibit. But it's not for everyone, I guess.
Mi Casa