Indiana Nesties
Dear Community,
Our tech team has launched updates to The Nest today. As a result of these updates, members of the Nest Community will need to change their password in order to continue participating in the community. In addition, The Nest community member's avatars will be replaced with generic default avatars. If you wish to revert to your original avatar, you will need to re-upload it via The Nest.
If you have questions about this, please email
Thank you.
Note: This only affects The Nest's community members and will not affect members on The Bump or The Knot.
Dumb election-related question.
As an educated woman, it's embarassing that I don't know this. I'm going to ask anyway because you ladies know tons about the process. 
If I am a registered voter but have never officially indicated which party I affiliate with, am I elegible to vote in the primary this year? Do I need to do anything?
Re: Dumb election-related question.
But you do have to designate a party at the polling location during the primary, don't you?
I thought you were only allowed to vote along party lines during the primary, but I don't know for sure. I've never voted in a primary election in Indiana.
kasey -
you must register in Indiana. The cut off is 30 days prior to the election, so the cutoff for the primary was April 7, so you can't vote in this primary, but you can still register for the November general election.