I really need to get away....with DH of course. ?I'd like to go somewhere for July 4th, which is our annversary weekend. ?I kinda am interested, just not sure 6 hrs in the car each way is what I want (I'll be about 24wk pg with twins then)...nor am I really that comfortable be that far away should something happen. ?We went to Louisville two years ago and to Cincinnati last year for the 4th, so not really interested in those. ?
I really want some place with maybe some nice shops, semi-inexpensive entertainment, and not much walking as I'm not interested in that right now either! ?
Any ideas? ?Maybe spend $350-ish total for 2 nights and activities... TIA!?
Re: Gatlinburg or other ideas?
St.Louis is 4 hours away and has lots of inexpensive/free stuff (Arch, the zoo, great shopping, ball games, museums, etc).
Chicago is about 3 hours away and has all kinds of stuff...
Brown County is about an hour away and is very chill and romantic and springlike right now!
Not sure if it's further but Memphis is about 5 or so hours away and has a lot of fun and random stuff.
I hope this helps. If you want STL or Memphis suggestions let me know.
STL, Chicago, Brown Co., Madison, Evansville, Madison WI, Nashville, Columbus OH; Cleveland...
Let me know if you want me to see if I can get you one of those stupid timeshare presentations for a free stay in Gaitlinburg/Pigeon Forge. You can always play the pregnant card when they start getting really obnoxious :P
I was also going to suggest SW MI. We're going to Saugatuck/Holland for a trip this summer. I think it's about 3 1/2-4 hours from Indy. I've been to South Haven before and really liked it.
FormerCityGirl-I'm going to check out those restaurant suggestions!