I know the nesties came up with some great OBGYN recs but does anyone have a great primary care physician/practice? Since we moved to Tucson 18months ago I have only been to the dr once and it was the OBGYN, but I think I'm getting tendanitis (sp) or carpel tunnel or something in my wrist and it's getting bad enough for me to go in. Plus I probably just should be hooked up with a dr in case I did really need to go in.
I live on the eastside (pananto and Speedway ish), but would be OK with something central as well, but not north or west. If the offices are clustered near hospitals then I prefer St. Joes (that's the one on Wilmot, right?) or UMC.
Re: Primary Care Docs?
I don't know about pcps on that side of town, but I had wrist surgery by a doc at the ortho clinic at TMC and the doc that did it w as awesome and veeery pretty to look at. I wanna say Erickson was his last name or something like that. My dad's doc is patel, but I don't know his first name and he's also near TMC on Wyatt. I know I'm a wealth of info. sorry. But my dad really likes him.
I wish I could help but my pcp is at NWMC, sorry.