Stolen from Money Matters.
Are you a blonde, brunette or redhead?
Do you prefer blondes, brunettes or redheads as partners?
Have you ever stuffed your bra?
Name something nerdy that you're into:
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Name something that you see often but think it very tacky:
Food that you have never liked and will never like:
When was the last time you were drunk?
Name a celebrity that you can't stand:
Describe your ideal relaxing getaway:
Re: Poll - RANDOM
Are you a blonde, brunette or redhead? Brunette.
Do you prefer blondes, brunettes or redheads as partners? Redheads scare me (sorry for the redheads in the bunch). I prefer brunettes.
Have you ever stuffed your bra? Nope. However, when I did get my first bra, I was so excited and felt so grown up, I always wanted to show it off... and always let my shirt hang off my shoulder (remember it was the 80s).
Name something nerdy that you're into: New Kids on the Block.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Teacher
Name something that you see often but think it very tacky: Bright White Heels. See through heels.
Food that you have never liked and will never like: Pickles!
When was the last time you were drunk? Couple of wks ago at Buffett concert.
Name a celebrity that you can't stand: Christina from Greys!
Describe your ideal relaxing getaway: Caribbean getaway, with calypso music playing in background. Maybe a massage on the beach, with the sounds of the waves hitting the shore. ::sigh::
"If we couldn't laugh we would all go insane" -- Jimmy Buffett
Are you a blonde, brunette or redhead? def a redhead...even though it looks brown when you really start notice my hair its red.
Do you prefer blondes, brunettes or redheads as partners? my husband is a dirty blonde
Have you ever stuffed your bra? can you believe when i was about 12 i did...i was sooo sad i didn't have boobs i would cry and pray every night for them...i would never go out in public w/them stuffed just in my bedroom
Name something nerdy that you're into: hee stuff. its nerdy reading things i like. i.e. decisions of the supreme court
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? at attorney
Name something that you see often but think it very tacky: the muffin tops...or when women were such tight clothing that you can see every single cellulite & roll on their body. seriously...just cause your pleasantly plumped doesn't mean you can't look classy
Food that you have never liked and will never like: grosses me out!! BLEH
When was the last time you were drunk? wow a while...don't remember
Name a celebrity that you can't stand: are you serious...i don't know don't pay much attention to them
Describe your ideal relaxing getaway: somewhere on a white sandy beach w/the sun blazing and a margarita/cold beer in hand, of course DH will be right next to me.
Are you a blonde, brunette or redhead? Brunette
Do you prefer blondes, brunettes or redheads as partners? Tall Dark and Handsome. Brunettes maybe a blonde if he could work it. lol
Have you ever stuffed your bra? Nope I never had too
Name something nerdy that you're into: Cross stitch? Is that nerdy or grannish?
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A Vet tech
Name something that you see often but think it very tacky: clear shoes.
Food that you have never liked and will never like: Lima Beans
When was the last time you were drunk? Oh my its a been awhile. I don't even remember. I plan on doing that this weekend though.
Name a celebrity that you can't stand:Paris Hilton (stupid stupid girl)
Describe your ideal relaxing getaway: Laying in a lounge chair on the beach, with DH drinking tropical drinks and getting a massage. OR on a cruise ship doing the same. I just want to hear the waves and the birds.Great find!
Are you a blonde, brunette or redhead? Brunette (originally a blonde)
Do you prefer blondes, brunettes or redheads as partners? FI is a brunette
Have you ever stuffed your bra? No, I inherited my grandmother's genes
Name something nerdy that you're into: Judge Judy
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? An actress or an astronaut
Name something that you see often but think it very tacky: imitation designer products
Food that you have never liked and will never like: Collared greens
When was the last time you were drunk? College?
Name a celebrity that you can't stand: Paris Hilton
Describe your ideal relaxing getaway: Anywhere with sand and a view of the ocean
Are you a blonde, brunette or redhead? brunette
Do you prefer blondes, brunettes or redheads as partners? brunettes
Have you ever stuffed your bra? fortunately never had to
Name something nerdy that you're into: board and computer games (yahoo games) AND Polls!
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? a teacher
Name something that you see often but think it very tacky: teenagers heavily making out in public
Food that you have never liked and will never like: sushi beause i do not like seafood
When was the last time you were drunk? my bachelorette party 10/11/08
Name a celebrity that you can't stand: Jim Carrey
Describe your ideal relaxing getaway: at a resort ANYWHERE tropical where i can walk out in my robe lay on a hammok enjoy the nice breeze enjoying a pina colada.. omg i so need a vacation!
1. Dirty blonde
2. Prefer dark hair and eyes
3. Nope
4. Is scrapbooking nerdy?
5. A Judge/Lawyer
6. The headbands that have feathers in them..I know its very trendy right now but not my style.
7. Carbonated water (perrier)
8. I have no idea..
9. Lindsey Lohan
10. Anything tropical
Are you a blonde, brunette or redhead? brunette
Do you prefer blondes, brunettes or redheads as partners? hubby is blonde
Have you ever stuffed your bra? nope
Name something nerdy that you're into: dogs -- like breeds and show stats..stuff like that
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? a teacher
Name something that you see often but think it very tacky: 13 y/o chongas -- although we don't have many of them up here in VA
Food that you have never liked and will never like: liver -- I can't even smell it without gagging
When was the last time you were drunk? umm..I don't drink
Name a celebrity that you can't stand: Beyonce
Describe your ideal relaxing getaway: out on the ocean on a sailboat on a calm day with nick
Are you a blonde, brunette or redhead? Brunette
Do you prefer blondes, brunettes or redheads as partners? brunette
Have you ever stuffed your bra? No never had too
Name something nerdy that you're into: scrapbooking
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Nothing really. When they would say in school write what u want to be when u grow up i would be like oh great i have no clue.
Name something that you see often but think it very tacky: Fake designer purses that you can tell.
Food that you have never liked and will never like: veggies, liver, the list is so long lol
When was the last time you were drunk? umm happy in Jan. When we did a party for my Dh and cousin.
Name a celebrity that you can't stand: there all okay lol
Describe your ideal relaxing getaway: Beach anywhere
Are you a blonde, brunette or redhead? brinette
Do you prefer blondes, brunettes or redheads as partners? brunettes
Have you ever stuffed your bra? nooooo
Name something nerdy that you're into: i love decorating cakesssssss
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? teacher, since both of my parents are teachers.
Name something that you see often but think it very tacky:
Food that you have never liked and will never like: yeallow riceeeeeeeeeee
When was the last time you were drunk? never
Name a celebrity that you can't stand:
Describe your ideal relaxing getaway: just my hubby and me to go to the pool and fater just relax and watch movies all day lol.
Are you a blonde, brunette or redhead? Brunette
Do you prefer blondes, brunettes or redheads as partners? Brunettes
Have you ever stuffed your bra? Nope, I was always afraid the stuff would come out! LOL
Name something nerdy that you're into: DH and I love Sci-fi shows and movies
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?Everything! LOL
Name something that you see often but think it very tacky: Long acrylic nails with those crazy designs on them (ditto for the toe nails, yuck), painted on eyebrows, lip-liner darker than your offense to anyone here that rocks these, it's just me.
Food that you have never liked and will never like: oysters (I don't liket things that I can't chew), certain vedgies, hard liquor, and really really hot food.
When was the last time you were drunk? This weekend
DH and I spent one night at home and decided to make margaritas. We weren't drunk, but nice and tipsy.
Name a celebrity that you can't stand: Kathy Griffin (the real housewives drive me batty too, however this NJ season looks like a whole lot of fun)
Describe your ideal relaxing getaway: No clocks, no schedule, doing whatever we want whenever we want. That pretty much sums up our honeymoon! LOL
Great Poll!
Are you a blonde, brunette or redhead? Brunette with blonde highlights.
Do you prefer blondes, brunettes or redheads as partners? brunettes catch my eye, but DH is a blonde.
Have you ever stuffed your bra? Yes and it wasn't until I was in my 20s that I came out of denial that they will never grow in. :<
Name something nerdy that you're into: NKOTB and anything dealing with the 80's.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A scientist or an astronaut.
Name something that you see often but think it very tacky: People who let their bra straps hang outside their shirt. They make racer back bras for those types of shirts.
Food that you have never liked and will never like: Mussels and clams. I tried them in Boston last year and wasn't impressed. I don't like the texture.
When was the last time you were drunk? Holy's been a while. Probably two or three years.
Name a celebrity that you can't stand: Where do I begin...Paris Hilton, Lindsey Lohan, Brittany Spears...
Describe your ideal relaxing getaway: Hiking and rock climbing in the mountains away from everyone else and completely in touch with nature.
Are you a blonde, brunette or redhead? I was born brunette, was blond for many years and am now brunette again. What was I thinking!
Do you prefer blondes, brunettes or redheads as partners? Honestly, I am not into blond sufer types. I prefer the dark haired and handsome men
Have you ever stuffed your bra? Um no...never had to
Name something nerdy that you're into: blogging lol
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A singer
Name something that you see often but think it very tacky: headbands with flowers or feathers on them. Sorry if you like this!!!!
Food that you have never liked and will never like: It took me awhile lol but I remembered that I cannot stomach certain types of Chinese foods.
When was the last time you were drunk? Hmmmmm...a house party we had back in January
Name a celebrity that you can't stand: Chris Brown the lady hitter. Not cool.
Describe your ideal relaxing getaway: Somewhere tropical or Santorini Greece.
Great poll Jackie!
Are you a blonde, brunette or redhead? Redhead (though I'm naturally a brunette)
Do you prefer blondes, brunettes or redheads as partners? Brunettes
Have you ever stuffed your bra? Never had to
Name something nerdy that you're into: reality shows
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? Movie star, LOL
Name something that you see often but think it very tacky: I see young girls (pre-teen/teens) at the mall wearing these tight jeans that give them muffin top and then they wear tight tops as if to accentuate the muffin top - drives me nuts!
Food that you have never liked and will never like: Liver
When was the last time you were drunk? Last September at DH's birthday celebration
Name a celebrity that you can't stand: Kanye West - I like his music, but whenever he speaks at an awards show for example, I have the change the channel (he is so full of himself!)
Describe your ideal relaxing getaway: Going back to our honeymoon destination - Tahiti. Actually I guess anything that involves a tropical/beach setting and doing nothing but relaxing :-)
Do you prefer blondes, brunettes or redheads as partners? Brunette
Have you ever stuffed your bra? No
Name something nerdy that you're into: Scrapbooking - and I just learned how to crochet (not too into it yet, but I'm sure I'll get there)
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? A doctor - then I took college chemistry and couldn't fathom taking so many more years of it.
Name something that you see often but think it very tacky: no clue...
Food that you have never liked and will never like: coconut and pineapple
When was the last time you were drunk? Last Saturday at my Grandma's birthday party - DH was my DD and I had to take full advantage of the situation.
Name a celebrity that you can't stand:
Describe your ideal relaxing getaway: Anywhere with a beach