So, my manager changed our roles and responsibilities (he had asked me if I wanted to do a support role and I indicated I would do what needed to be done for the team, but it's not what I want to do or enjoy) and now my role is changing to complete support. To me it's a step down because (and I'm not meaning anything bad by this type of job, it's just not me, and I know that) I would be a Cust Service Analyst type role. I'm a Consultant now. My title or pay wouldn't change but I can honestly say I'd probably be more miserable.
It's like he just disregarded my feelings. So I talked to him about it. And while we don't see eye to eye and have personality conflicts (which fortunately I've never encountered this w/a coworker or manager until now), he said if this isn't where I want to be and I want something else, he'll support me fully to find what I want in the company.
So I've been given the "go ahead" to post out and there are a few things out there. I'm not going to post today, but will this week.
I need to do what's best for me and crying myself to sleep, worrying Brad, and feeling sick to my stomach all the time isn't good.
Thanks ladies and I'll keep y'all updated.
Re: need prayers......
Ugh I hate to hear this! Are you still at the same company that you were at when we emailed?
This economy sucks and I definitely know what it's like to cry yourself to sleep, worry the hubs and feel sick to your stomach constantly. At my last job, I literally hating waking up each morning. It just continued to get worse and worse every single day. Even though unemployment comes with it's own set of worries, I'm happier now.
I hope that you can find some kind of solution that will make you feel better! Sending good thoughts your way!
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thanks so much girls.
Danielle, yes, I'm at the same company............ ha. I'm glad you're doing better and hope that you find something soon!!!
So the latest update is that yesterday afternoon I went out on our internal posting site and saw a job that met my needs and that I would be interested in. I know the hiring manager just in passing (he sits near me) and I saw him in my current manager's office when I had to go talk to my co-worker about a project. I was like WHAT?!?!!? as they don't interact or have any business in common.
I get back to my desk and my manager has emailed me the same job posting that I saw - saying, hey, this might fit you, are you interested? uh yeah!!!! So he tells me to post for it, I do and he's already approved it.
So we'll see and I just keep praying about it!!!!!
Katie- I am so glad to hear that something positive is happening with your job. I know it would be such a relief for you to be doing something that made you happy. I really really hope this works out for you!!!
That's great!!! I've read about how stressed you've been and I'm so glad it may be getting better! I'll definitely keep praying about it.