Hi ladies! i am new on this board, and I don't know where else to post this message but I am in SERIOUS need of some help!
I live in the Petersburg/Dinwiddie area, and we are renting a place that is not so great, but it was cheap and we are doing it so we can pay off all of our debt. Anyway-yesterday I went outside and saw what i thought was a bunch of ants on the outside wall, but when i got closer it turned out to be black widow spiders. I called the leasing company and told them we needed them to come spray and they said the earliest would be this morning. So, they came and only sprayed outside (which I think pushed them to wanna come inside) and while I was at work, my usband saw a big black widow in the house.
We are going out of town this weekend, and I was thinking of setting off a few bug bombs so that it can kill whatever IS in the house while we are gone but IDK if that is going to work with spiders.
I need ANY advice that you could give. Also, if you could email it to me it would be perfect!
And--if you live in this area, lemme know! I'm fairly new to VA especially to this part!
Thanks in advance!
Definitely contact your leasing office; black widows are nothing to mess around with. Let them know you will be out of the apt. this weekend so that may allow them to take it one step further since you won't be home anyway.
If you still decide to bomb the place yourself, as PP said, check the packaging - it should tell you whether or not it will kill off spiders.