South Florida Nesties
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Where to move in Florida?
Hi ladies! I'm currently living in MN with my DH. I've always wanted to move to Florida and unfortunately it looks like my DH and I may be getting a divorce after 8 years
I've got to get myself out of this frozen state!!
This is a very broad and general question but what cities would you recommend to live in? I'd like to do some research on different cities.
This is what I'd be looking for:
- Close to a large city (30-40min or closer)
- Within 20 minutes of the beach
- Preferably on the gulf side but I won't discriminate
- Affordable apartments (we currently pay $850/mo for a 2 bed, 1100 sq ft...looking for something comparable)
LOL, that's about it. Like I said, I know this is a broad question. I've only been to Ocala (FIL lives there), Orlando and Clearwater (for the day). I loved Clearwater but like I said, I was only there for one day so I have no idea what it's like to live in.
Thanks ladies!!
Re: Where to move in Florida?
I lived in Orlando while I went to school. It's a hole stay clear or it. Lol.
Have you looked into Ft Myers? And there are no really... "large cities" here, per se. Miami is large and close to the beach, but I'm not sure you are going to find rent for $850 a month in a good neighborhood.
Good luck!?
I guess it depends on your budget. There are some really great places in Miami to live- South Miami, the nice areas of coconut grove, Shenley Park area near Coral Gables, Pinecrest... everything is 30-40 min from Miami Beach and Downtown, there are a lot of new developments giogn on downtown, so it's not as.... dangerous.... as it was 10 years ago
The one thing I love about Miami (other than the beaches) is that most things are open pretty late. Bars, clubs, restaurants.... they don't shut down at 9/10 pm like a lot of other cities I've lived in. And it's a few hours from the Gulf Coast. Lots of nightlife, and a lot more cultural activies hve been popping up- a lot more crowds are being drawn to art gallery night, piano bars, etc...
However, the bad? It's CROWDED. You will get annoyed when you walk into a grocery store, try to ask where a certain product is and you get a blank stare because the guy there only speaks spanish (I'm Cuban and speak spanish and that annoys the crap out of me) we were voted #1 of the rudest and modest dangerous drivers in the US. The reason it takes 40 minutes to get to the beach is the traffic. And everywhere in Florida (at leats from central down) is humid, so be warned! It gets hot, but it's not the dry heat you get anywhere else... it's open the dishwasher and get a face of steam type of hot
:-D just giving you both sides!!
ah... just reread your post and saw where you said $850 a month for an apt... Miami definitely doesn't have that (at least, nowhere we found!) Our old apartment was a 1 bedroom, 1 bath, dishwasher/washer and dryer and it was 1200. No ammenities included.
Oh, and on the Gulf, Naples is great! I have a few friends who live over there and although it doesn't have access to a huge city, it's a few hour drive from anywhere in Florida (3-4 hours frmo Miami, Orlando, St. Pete, Tampa)
And St. Augustine is awesome!!! It's up north, near jacksonville (a big city) and it's the oldest city in florida- has a lot of history, plus has an amazing bar scene (I've spent many a night at St. George's Tavern and it's awesome lol) It's got a great beach scene- it has a drive on beach (wherey ou actually drive on the beach and park on the sand) and it has a huge surf scene (lots of surf competitions go on up there) It's also an hour or two from Orlando, but about 6 from Miami and the Gulf Coast. But also really affordable! it's the kind of place you can rent a home for 850 a month.
Thanks ladies! I'll start researching.
I know about the humidity. I hate humidity or I should say my hair hates it!! We have it here as well although it's not as thick but I think I hate 6 months of 20 degrees - below zero temps even more!!
I wish I could afford Miami on my own and maybe I can. I'm an esthetician and there isn't a plethora of salary information out there for that field. I've just got to do my research. I would imagine I could get a job at a resort spa and do fairly well if the local spas aren't profitable.
Thanks again!
there are TONS of spas down here! Doral Resort and Spa is one of the biggest, luxe ones in town. Also, many of the hotels on South Beach offer spa ammenities, that could be a place to start looking, as well! You may even be able to find a sublet on the beach for pretty cheap, since a lot of people can't afford their mortgage, they're renting out their condos!
i came in super late to this post but having just moved out of florida - i would say that there are other warm places in the US to consider that might be more affordable and less hostile. I agree with above posts about Orlando and Miami - lived in both of those cities and I hated it. I won't bore you with all of the reasons why Miami is a hostile city but there are plenty of websites that go into that kind of detail. The east coast around St. Augustine is pretty nice - my husband grew up in Melbourne (south of that) and everyone is extremely nice. However, it is a slower paced area and there might not be as many opportunities for your career.
I have to say that having moved to Austin, TX this past August, it was one of the best decisions I've made. We are really happy here, there is barely any humidity, and the cost of living is significantly less than Miami. That's not to say that there aren't other warm cities etc but it sounds like you considered Florida for the weather and it might be good to research other southern cities that are have more to offer.