Hi there ladies!
My name is Claire, I just got married in Mexico a couple of weeks ago and live in Rocky Hill... I look forward to meeting you all...
I am posting today b/c I received a call from a friend who is a Hartford cop who does some work with the pound in Newington and he is trying to place a beautiful little 8 week old puffball puppy. He is a male shephard/lab mix and he has been at the pound for a week already, and according to my friend he has two more days to be adopted.
I have a pic, if anyone is interested, but am having shutterfly issues, so I couldn't post it here.
If you know anyone who might be looking for a pet, this might be a great rescue for them. I'd be happy to email you the pic. cmouimet@att.net
Re: Anyone looking for a puppy? And intro...
OMG - two more days to be adopted or what??? Or they put him down? Oy...that makes me feel very frantic...if I didn't live in a tiny apartment with a large dog and cat already I'd take him ina second. I'll ask everyone I know. It can't be that hard to adopt out an 8-week old pup!
By the way, congrats and welcome.
I know. And he is so freaking cute. I have one dog already as well and would probably have taken him, but DH is going to be transferred in the next 6-12 months and I just don't know what our home situation will be. I've gotten a couple of emails and passed them along so hopefully the little guy gets a home!
The puppy was placed in a home today! Thanks to anyone who contacted me or passed this along!!!