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As my EDD gets closer, I'm wondering of course when our little one is going to make her appearance. Just curious how many moms on here delivered early, late, on time, if you were induced, c-section, whatever. I guess I'm just curious to hear your birth stories if you are willing to share. Thanks!
Re: Moms...Question for ya
My smart@ss doctor told me at my first appointment that 50% of women go late...So then the other 50% go early. Thanks.
All but two of my friends and relatives that worked out went late including me. Those that didn't work out went early. I don't know if this is a coincidence or not.
I was scheduled to be induced due to GD, then it was cancelled because he wasn't getting too big according to the u/s. I was then scheduled for a week later and my water broke 3 days before that, so he was born 5 days before my EDD. I wasn't dialated or having contractions at all before that. I was actually leaving my NST and walking the long hall at Children's when my water broke. Enjoy your last few weeks!
I was due on March 19th. I started getting contractions on March 21st. They got timeable around 9 pm that night (20 minutes apart). By midnight, they were 5 minutes apart. I called the hospital at 2 am. They told me to come in.
We got there at 3 am. I was about 4 cm dialated. By 5:30, I got my epidural and I was 7. I was full dialated at 6:45. I pushed for 1.5 hours. She was born at 8:28 am. I was in labor for a little under 12 hours, at the hospital for 5.5. She was 3 days overdue.
I very much believe that the freak March thunderstorm we had that night put me into labor. My L&D nurse agreed :-)
Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
I had my son about two weeks early. Oddly, I had a check the same day my water broke and my ob/gyn said that I would for sure not have the baby until my due date. Needless to say, my water breaking while out to dinner that night came as quite a shock. My water broke at around 7:00pm but I didn't start having any contractions until after midnight. Because I wasn't progressing I was given pitocin early in the morning and had my son at 7:43 p.m. that night. Like a previous poster said, I think the bad thunderstorm that night was partly why my water broke........that and the internal exam that afternoon. I had a mostly painless labor and am happy for that.
Good luck to you whenever your bundle of joy decides to make an appearance.
Secondary infertility success with IVF, then two losses, one at 14 weeks and one at 10 weeks, then success with IUI and then success with condoms! Who would ever have guessed.
This Cluttered Life
I was due January 29th. I think I had my membranes stripped around the 27th. I had no signs of labor until midnight on February 2nd, and had her that day. So, four days overdue. I had about a 12 hour labor, 3 hours of pushing that resulted in a c-section. My water broke on it's own. And it's true what they say, you definitely know when a true contraction is a true contraction!
Good Luck!!!!
My son was born about 3 weeks early. We had just moved to WI about 2 weeks earlier, and I had spent that whole day putting the finishing touches on his nursery. I finished up around 5 pm and sat down to relax for about an hour till my husband came home from work. Well, about 5:30 my water broke! I didn't start contractions on my own (they waited for about 6 hours and nothing was happening) so I did have to have pitocin. That was pretty painful, but the labor was really quick after that. I think I started pitocin around midnight and my little boy was born at about 3 am.
Good luck to you!
Here is my birth story. C&P from Brady's website.........HTH
Brady's Birth Story
Date: 04/06/2007
Saturday March 31, 2007
We had friends over for the weekend and were playing board games that night. Throughout the evening we noticed my hands and feet were extremely swollen, much more than the normal pregnancy swelling.
Tuesday April 3, 2007
Went in for my 37 week appointment and when they took my BP it was WAY higher than usual and told my OB (Dr. Metzler) how swollen I was that weekend and he was concerned and wanted me to come in in 2 days for a recheck. Aparently I had 2 of 3 signs of preclampsia. He said he was going to be gone all weekend and set me up with one of the other doctors at his clinic for Friday April 6th.
Thursday April 5, 2007
I decided to take that day off of work to see if that would help my BP stay down and changed my appointment to Thursday instead of Friday. Well, that didn't work. Dr. Mahoney told us that he was sending us to the hospital to be put on at BP machine and they were going to take my BP every 15 minutes for 2 hours and have me on bed rest for the 2 hours, only getting up to use the bathroom. He said if my BP didn't go down that my OB and he discussed inducing me the next day instead of sending me home for the weekend on bedrest and chancing me having a seizure. So we went, after we stopped at home to get a few things just in case. We got to the hospital around 5:30pm. I got into a gown, hooked up to the BP machine and waited. After about 45 minutes my BP was going down so I thought I'd use the bathroom. Well as soon as I got back into bed my BP skyrocketed again! When Dr. Mahoney came in after the 2 hours he told us that we were not leaving the hospital without our baby. I was excited, nervous, not ready but ready. At 7:15pm the nurse inserted a drug called Cervadil to see if that would "ripen" my cervix. I was at 1 ? cm and 50% effaced at that point. I was having a few contractions at that point but I really couldn't feel them.
Friday April 6, 2007
At 5:30am I was up and ready to go. They took the Cervadil out, I took a shower, Pitocin was started at 6am. I was still having a few contractions but nothing I could complain about. At 8am Dr. Mahoney came in and checked me. I was at 2cm and 80% effaced. He said my bag of waters was bulging and that he was just going to break it now. UM......thank GOD that didn't happen in public! It went everywhere! I had to change into a new gown and change the bed linens! I don't know what I would have done if I was out shopping or at work or something. Anyway, immediately after he did that my contractions picked up. At 10:20am I asked for some pain relief in the form of Nubaine. I started bawling when the nurse went out to get it because I had really wanted a med-free birth but it was too much for me to take. We learned about the drug in Lamaze class and they said it would just take the "edge" off in between contrax but that it wouldn't lessen them at all. Boy was our instructor right! I felt like I had had a few cocktails or something. I literally fell asleep between contractions. At about 11am I asked for the epidural, started bawling again because it's not what I had pictured my labor to include. They checked me and I was at 5cm, don't remember what they said my effacement was. During the 20min-1/2 hour it took for them to put it in I would say I had about 5-7 contractions, really bad ones. When the Anesthesiologist was done he told the nurses that they should check me again because he thought I might be close with all of the contrax I just had. Sure enough I had gone to 7cm in that time. This was around 11:30am. Half an hour later I was at 10 and ready to start pushing at 12pm. And at 12:43pm Brady Scott was born. The most amazing thing about the whole experience was looking down and watching him come out. I will never forget that for as long as I live.
I was doing the cha-cha slide at a wedding on 7-7-07, the next morning my water broke at about 7 am. I wasn't 100% sure that it was my water because I was sleeping, so I wanted my DH to sniff the bed! He looked at me like I was crazy and told me to call the on-call doc. I went to the hospital, and sure enough, my water had broke. I was induced at noon. Up until about 3ish I wasn't feeling a thing (although I was contracting.) I remember thinking at that point, if this is labor this is going to be a breeze! Yeah, not so much. I started getting more intense contractions, and got an epi at about 7:30. My DD was born at 11:17 pm on 7/8, at 34 weeks.
I was induced 3 days before 42 weeks.
We went in at 7 am, pitocin was started and kept getting bumped up every half hour.
5pm - Dr comes in; no change...she gives me 3 options 1- stop the pitocin, eat, shower, and start it again next morning .... 2 - stop and go home (at 42 weeks, there was no way I was going home without that baby out of my stomach ) ... option 3 - she breaks my water and we go from there
We chose #3 ...
530 - water is broken and I start actually contracting (pitocin is still going at this time, turned up higher than they normally go)
730 - I am in extreme pain, ask for my epidural .... line of women before me so they give me nubane to take the edge off....now that just sent me in to a really dazed state, I fell asleep but was moaning with each contraction my mom said.
9 pm - finally get my epidural
1130 - nurse comes in to put my catheter in...she checks me before doing so, and is amazed that I am 10cm dialeted and his head is right there ... she drains my bladder forgoing the catheter
12:15 am .... start pushing .... pushed for awhile, but his head wouldn't budge .... Dr threatens me with vacuum and I finally get his head out...
He was born at 1:07 am at 41 weeks and 5 days .... and he was only 6lbs 14ozs...
It's great to hear all these stories! Thanks for sharing!
Here is my birth story....
I was scheduled to have an induction on Monday April 28 at 6:30am because of mild pre-e. However, I started having contractions on Sunday afternoon (4/27 - her due date) The contractions got worse as the day went on so we went the hospital around midnight. I was only 2 cm (was 1.5 at my apt the Friday before) I was given nubain to help me rest. It slowed the contractions down though. At 6:30am, when I was supposed to be induced anyways, I was given Pitocin to speed things up. I began having horrible back labor -- I was given more Nubain at 8:00, but the pain was too much to take anymore and I was given an epidural around 9:00. They upped the Pitocin and I progressed very quickly after that. (2 to 9 cm in 1 hour) The Dr. came in to break my water, but we discovered it did so on it's own, we just don't know when. At 12:10pm I was ready to push and did so for 3 hours. Near the end of those 3 hours, the epidural had mostly wore off. Cora was born at 3:13pm with the help of a vacuum pump.
My due date was 1/20. Drew was born 3 weeks early. At my 36 week appointment, my dr. told me I was 1 cm and fully effaced. He said I needed to take it easy and keep the baby in for at least another week. This was the weekend before Christmas and we were hosting 2 parties at our house.
I made it through the weekend and part of the week but woke up on 12/28 feeling very "yucky." I didn't suspect labor since my due date was so far off. I went to work but had to take my rice sock with me because I was having a lot of back pain. I was co-hosting a bridal shower/bachelorette that night, so I went straight from work to the restaurant it was at. I think that kept me so busy that it kept my mind off of it for the most part, but I was having some other symptoms. (TMI - I felt like I was leaking, nauseated on and off, just really uncomfortable in general.)
As soon as I got home, my water broke. I still wasn't convinced that I was in labor but I hopped in the shower just in case and then DH took a shower. While he was in the shower, back labor pain really took over, we tried timing it but there wasn't much relief in between. I called the hospital and they told me to come in. We got there around 12am and I was 4-5 cm and in so much pain that I asked for an epidural right away. I got the epidural around 1:30am. I was having trouble feeling any contractions because of the back labor and epidural so I was given pitocin sometime after that. When the nurse checked me at 3am, I was fully dilated. I pushed for around 1.5 hrs, I was having trouble feeling what was going on until the pitocin kicked in and then I did such a good job that they made me wait 15 mins. for the Dr., who wasn't there yet! She arrived around 4:45am and Drew was born at 4:59am. He had to be on oxygen for the first 24 hours, but other than that was fine.
I was one of the late baby arrivals. Lauren's due date was Aug 3 and she did not come until Aug 11.
I had numerous appts after my due date came and went. The day before I started having contractions, I had a NST and everything seemed great. I also lost 4 lbs. The next morning at 2am I started having mild contractions. I went to work and timed them all day. By 5pm they were getting more painful and regular. I went walking about 7pm and got them coming 5 mins. We went to the hospital. I was 4 cm when I got there, was admitted and then got my epi and tried to rest.
At about 8 am I was ready to push and after 4 hours and the vacuum (if that didn't work, I would have had to have a C-section) Lauren was born about noon on the 11th.
Ian was due 3/10 and was born 3/7. I actually started feeling cramps around 1am on 3/6, and about 12 hours later my water broke. He was then born 24 hours later.