Indiana Nesties
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How is TTC/your pregnancy/your baby?
I'm just wondering how everyone is doing. We've got quite a few folks who are pregnant or who have just had babies recently. How is everyone with TTC, pregnancies and/or new (or older!) babies?
Re: How is TTC/your pregnancy/your baby?
Things are up in the air for us. We were thinking of starting at the end of this year or next year, but I'm getting cold feet. There was also the possibility of me getting screwed by my university, but it looks like I will still be graduating in December.
Everyone around us has babies and that's all I'm hearing about these days. I'm beginning to wonder if I should just be the fun auntie to all of my friends' kids or consider adoption instead --- kinda like the human version of my dog life
I'm 38 weeks along and ready to go any minute. I tried acupuncture today to get things going, but so far... no luck. My next appointment is Wednesday. I'm just hoping for progress. Troy is 2 now and we're planning on stopping after this one.
Send delivery dust my way.
Figured I should answer my own post. I'm not TTC or PG or anything. We had planned to start trying here soon... but now, I've got two good friends of mine that are PG, so it's kind of giving me baby fever. That's so stupid and so irrational... I know I shouldn't base our life decisions based on others... but it's hard when it's so close, yet so far away! Guess it just gives me time to learn from them.
We are not TTC #2 just yet- but thinking maybe at the beginning of next year we will start. I'm trying to lose a lot of weight before then so that it's not as much of a struggle after I have #2. I put on a lot of weight with my first and working it off has proved very difficult.
Ashley is getting big though- just over 17 months now - she's starting to talk- still babbles a lot, but clear words do come out regularly. She's even gone on the potty a couple times, but I'm not actively potty training just yet.
It's a lot of work and very exhausting at times as a mom- but I'm loving every minute.
We're adjusting! Ben just turned 2 last month and Natalie is 5 months. I just went back to work last week, so they just started daycare. The first few days were rough for Ben, but he runs right in now. He talks up a storm and loves being outside. Natalie is starting to sit up and she's a little chatterbox...just like her mom!
We thought we wanted at least one more, but not sure. We're going to wait till Natalie is about 1 1/2, then discuss. We may be done, may have one more, or may wait 3-4 years and have two more close together (like Ben & Nat's 19 mo. difference). I'm sure you ladies will be the first to know!
Hey girls! Long chat with a lot of you! I just don't get here like I used to.
LeeAnn was 2 1/2 at the end of April. She is growing so fast it is unreal. We're in the middle of potty training and she loves to sing and dance. She doesn't even need music to dance - she must hear it in her head!
We've been TTC #2 since last January (2007). I've gotten very disappointed though and have talked to my doctor about starting some tests to see what it going on. I just can't figure it out...LeeAnn was so easy but this second one, not so much. I really want at least three kids too and I'm getting OLD (okay, well I'm 30 but 10 years ago, I thought I'd be done by now!) and if the third (and maybe fourth) take as long as the second...I'll be closer to 40 when I'm done.
Good luck to those of you who are still pregnant! And congrats to those of you with newborns. And those of you who are can take LeeAnn for a few days that might make your mind up one way or another!
Luke is six months old and absolutely wonderful! He is pretty much all smiles and giggles, sleeps through the night (I'm probably jinxing myself on that one), and is sitting up on his own. I've been back to work full time since the beginning of February, so Luke goes to my best friend's house 3 days a week and then Thursdays/Fridays, it's Daddy & Luke day.
No plans for babies in the near future, if at all. We haven't ruled anything out absolutely, but we're pretty close to never again and feeling ok with that. Everyday changes though.
Here's a recent pic...
Well, no news here...still
It will be 3 months since D&C tomorrow, and I just started my 2nd period today (at the chiropractor's office no less.) My cycles have been running just over 6 weeks long- it's torture. And seriously, I LOATHE peeing on sticks. I'm so over this. I will give it one more cycle and then if nothing, I'm calling the doctor. At my D&C follow up he said to give it 6 cycles, that isn't going to happen. Tyler is turning 7 in 4 months, I never thought it would take this long to have a 2nd. we have been TTC now for so long...someone just give me a baby already.
So, 1 more try. Then we are getting the turkey baster out. Done and done.
Audrey turned 2 in January and is just a wonderful little girl!
I am about 18 weeks pregnant with #2 and due in October. We find out gender on 6/2 and we are so excited!
After #2, this factory is closed!