This week marks my first week back full time (starting tomorrow). I'm sick over working till 4:30 and want to adjust my hours to have more awake time with Hayden. He'll only be awake for like 2 hrs by the time I get home. I still want to do my job, but just adjust things so that I can be home earlier in the day. I'm thinking of asking if I can work through lunch every day and leave early. The other thought is to ask if I can work an hour or so at home each day. I'm in IT and can do 90% of my job remotely.
Unfortunately my boss is stuck in the dark ages with working remotely. I asked to work one day at home when I went out on leave and she was ticked at me. WTF, right? I really want to talk to her today, but I'm scared to do so. She does have children, but they're all grown. I think she's forgotten what it's like to have a baby.
Were any of you successful in making schedule adjustments on your return back? If so, any advice?
Re: Want to adjust my
It is all in the presentation...bosses need to know that any changes like this will have minimal impact on them, your work, your productivity, your co-workers and the working environment in general. In other words, show them nothing will change but your hours.
And, I'd ask for more than what you want and negotiate from there. When I was talking about my leave I asked for the gusto and then left myself some rom to play...but my boss bit right off the bat and now I have an awesome leave and transition back to work plan.
I remember how your boss gave you hell before...good luck, hope it works out!
Hi Heather,
I'm sorry you don't get to see Hayden much. I'm having the same problem with Reid, except I can leave at 3:30 when my last student walks out the door. My only suggestion for you is to see if you can go in earlier?!? I don't remember exactly what you do for work, or how flexible your child care situation is, but maybe you can just shift your hours to working earlier and leaving earlier? It sounds like working through lunch could get to be pretty hard. I can't imagine now having any time during the day to myself to leave if I needed to. KWIM?!
I hope it gets easier for you. Being a working Mom is the hardest thing I have ever done. I feel guilty for not spending enough time with DS and I feel guilty that I'm not really putting my all into work. I guess I will move past all that, but it is still hard..........
Keep in touch. Maybe we can all get together again!?
Thanks for the tips ladies. Today's my first full day back. Hayden's at home with Grandma, so I know he'll be fine. My mom's offered to bring him to me for his lunchtime feeding...and for me to get a little fix.
Since I posted, my director (manager's boss) said he wants to take me to lunch this week. I'm being optimistic and hoping that he knows how hard I'm taking this. Maybe he's already assuming that I want to revisit adjusting my hours. Till then, I'm gonna suck this up and treasure my noon-time visit with the baby.
I plan to ask for the ability to work from home a few hrs and skip lunch. Maybe they'll settle on the work from home in the evening.... I hope, I hope, I hope!