June 28th will be our last day operating the restaurant. Apparently, greed takes over many people esp now that we have put the place on the map. We were still waiting on the official contract from Tallahassee so the owners on paper decided that they wanted a cut from the restaurant though they have no $$ in it or invest anything in it. We decided that we will not be paying them so we will be transferring everything back to them. It is bitter sweet and we will miss the restaurant tremendously, but I have faith that God is watching over us and he has something better in plan for us.
Thanks for all the support and prayers, hopefully we can plan a gtg before that.
Re: The verdict....
Omg!! No!! I'm so sorry to hear that, we absolutely have to have a gtg before then. For the expeption of this weekend I a free. Just let us know when and I'll be there in a heartbeat.
What happens to all the money/equipment you invested in it??
Make a pregnancy ticker
Mike and I are so sorry to hear that, but we know that God has better things in store for you. Everything works out for a reason. So just have faith. Let us know when the party will be at the restaurant and we will definitely be there. Hugs all around.
PS...Mike sends DJ a big kiss too ;D
Wow...people suck. But everything will work out for the better for you and DJ. THinking of you both!
Oh no, that sux! I am a firm beliver though, that everything happens for a reason and I'm sure that this has happened to lead you to a road that will bring you bigger and better things
Photo courtesy of www.yaporiginals.com
It's Beshert
Wishing you both the best girly!