Julie's Gone. She left yesterday. I'm heartsick, the aparment is empty, not from stuff missing but the air just feels cold. I know I sound like a baby, but I won't see her again for 27days. Freaking sucks, especially when you've lived with someone since you were 16 your whole rythem is thrown off, well mine at least.
The bed was empty. I slept on the couch.
We shower together every morning. I took a bath.
The coffee pot starts on it's own every morning. I turned it off.
Julie packs my lunches. I'll be eating out.
She plays wii fit at night. It's already packed up.
Our dog just looks at me with sad eyes 'where's my mommy'.
At least I know that this is for the better. We are going to have a life there, that would be unobtainable to us here. We will get to be with family and friends. We will get to eat the worlds best corn on the cob. We can a house, really freaking cute house. 3 bedrooms 2 bath for under 120,000 in a GREAT neighborhood! So can we just get there please, screw everything in between just get me back home, to her.
Re: She's Gone.