(totally skipping the destruction Matt created...) is a crispy brown mess. Anyone else in this boat? For some reason our front yard looks nice; probably bc it is much more shaded... our back looks awful. It's one big brown hill. (with scaffolding and bricks and other construction crap; but that is a whole other post more suited for D&R.)
that's me doing the 'net rain dance. Anyone else want to join in? Oh, and I made a big mistake this weekend. I went out of town and decided to be eco-savvy and save some money and totally turn off our air-con. When I got home last night the upstairs was 95* and the downstairs was 89*. It took 2 flippin' hours to cool down. Elise and I were dying..... and that was so stupid of me- we have a digital thermostat so I should have just set it to 85* or something. Lesson learned...
I fear it's going to be a hot summer.....
Re: My yard...
Our front yard looks okay, but Bermuda grass can take quite a heat hit. The backyard is starting to look brown where it gets full sun. I tried to water it a little....we'll see if it helps!
I'll join in on that rain dance, though!!
Our front yard is doing pretty good. Our side and backyards are kinda eh. We plan on putting new grass in and doing some minor landscaping sometime this fall so I guess it doesn't really bother me....for now. And I agree, if its already hitting the 100's in June, I think July and August are going to be BRUTAL.
*joins in raindance*
Yeah, definitely don't turn it off. When we moved in, the AC had been turned off for a long time. We moved in the house in July and it ran for SO LONG! We just turn it up a little over 80 and leave it.
Yea... I actually knew that. So I'm really not sure what I was thinking... *sigh*