from an AL nestie..........
will be going to the Indy 500 at the end of the month. DH is from just outside of Indy (Logansport to be exact) and this is something his best friend, their families and he used to do but he hasn't been able to go in a while. So, now I'm going w/him.
We are going to be under the underhang. But, I need advice, do I need earplugs? I get migraines EASILY so wanted to know all about this and DH hasn't given much info but that I'll have fun (thanks!!).
Just thought maybe one or some of yall could give me some insight!!! I'd appreciate it!!!
He did tell me it was nothing like Nascar.
Re: advice from IN nesties
Hey girl, I think we've "talked" on D&R b/f, right?!!?!?
I thought earplugs would be good. I will definitely get some!!!
What do you wear to it?!?!!? I know, silly question....... but we'll be driving up from AL.
Yes, we have chatted on D&R!
I dress in layers. We go really early in the morning for tailgating, so it's generally cooler, but by the time the race starts, it gets really hot. All depending on our lovely Indiana weather, of course.
Have fun! We go every year.
Thanks girls!!!
Hey IUGal!!! Great seeing/talking to you again. I've been somewhat MIA on D&R, I love the new format on our local boards.
Ok, so earplugs a MUST. I'll bring several clothing options but I'm getting the feeling it's just casual.
Rock on. It wasn't my first pick for Memorial wknd but it's something DH wanted to do and he thinks I'll enjoy it - we'll see!!! I've been to Indy many times to visit and for work so that's nothing new, but not to the race.
Thanks again!!!
Definitely bring ear plugs and sunscreen. Dress in casual layers -- trust me, you don't want to be all dolled up sitting next to some white trash redneck with their boobs hanging out of their tank top
If you get thirsty or hungry easily, you could also bring water (or other bevs ) and snacks so you don't have to keep going to the food stands - it can be a huge PITA getting back to your seat and waiting in line at the stands.
I'll make a joke about it now, but bring a first aid kit in case you get hit with flying debris The first year I ever went (after living here for years!) was to sit in MH' family's sectionin Turn 1 -- there was a huge crash and I got hit with a bolt or something in the middle of my chest. My grandfather-in-law was freaking out thinking his wife and DIL were going to kill him if I ended up getting hurt, lol. It was only bruised, but he kept insisting that I go to the first aid tent
Oh gosh, I went to pole day once, and even with earplugs it was still uncomfortably loud!
I agree that you need sunblock and you should dress in layers. I say go for comfort over style, because that one pole day I went to had a lot of drunks, and from what I hear, you don't want to wear anything that you wouldn't want beer spilled on.
Ok, so maybe I didn't have a good time, but hopefully you'll have more fun than I did.
Bring some trash bags. You can cut a hole for your head or sit on it if it's wet or it'll keep you warmer if it's cold.
Don't wear a shirt that you're going to be upset if it gets dirty. It's almost impossible to get tire shavings out of a white shirt. Do freeze a few water bottles and bring them with other unfrozen ones in a cooler. They charge an arm and a leg for water and it's easier to bring your own, anyway. DH and I pack food, too.
Thanks SO much girls!!!
I had to check back b/f this wknd.
I plan on dressing in layers, being comfy, etc. We are taking drinks and food. I didn't even know you could do this!!!
DH said it's not as redneck as nascar?!?!!?
We will be under the overhang so hopefully no debri and no sun but who knows!!!
Thanks again and I'll check back w/you girls next week!!!
oh yeah, I forgot about the damn -OH law - good call for the reminder!
Even under the awning you will get some sun and debris - I experienced it in turn 1