I'm hung over. I'm exhausted. And it's gross outside.
I went out for drinks with a coworker and an old friend of ours last night and stayed out so much later that I wanted to...and had a couple more drinks that I should have. I got 4 hours of sleep and I'm all woozy. Ugh.
Anyone have any nofail remedies? I've been drinking green tea and I ate a banana and some crackers.
Worst part? I can't tribe. Second-to-worst part? We're supposed to go to a Mets game at 7 tonight...and I really, really don't want to. MIL planned a big thing with a billion people and it's pretty much the last thing I want to do after work today. :::prays for it to keep raining:::
Thanks for letting me whine!
Re: Guys...
Next time try to take aspirin first.. it buffers your tummy and saves you from the groggy feeling.
Drink lots of juice and take advil every 4 hours. Hope you feel better
JennyB's Contact!!!
Yay, we're not going to the game! But we may still drive down to Queens to hang out with the IL's and friends.
I'm feeling much better. The wooziness went away and I had a good lunch. I took aspirin last night before I went to bed, so thankfully I didn't have the headache portion of the hangover today!
JUSTBE - aspirin is really hard on your stomach, who told you it buffers? Taking aspirin on an empty stomach is a bad idea...it's made from an acid and can easily cause stomach upset, heartburn, pain etc. Migraines run in my family and we've had a few people come up with stomach-lining issues from taking too much aspirin. And aspirin should never be taken before drinking...it severely ups the risk of developing stomach bleeding and liver damage. Be careful!