So Saturday we slapped down the deposit on this bad boy...
We are pretty stinkin' excited-it's a 3 bed, 1 bath on 2 acres. It's a gorgeous old farm house-they are completely renovating the inside-new hardwoods, new bathroom, new kitchen cabinets, new closets. AND they let me pick the paint colors! I am soooo stoked-it's going to be absolutely beautiful when it's done. It's completely surrounded by farm land that is owned by the family renting it-we will be in the country!!! And it has a small barn, a corral and a chicken coop. My husband is beyond excited that he gets to have some live stock.
!!! I will definitely need some decorating tips when it comes time to move in...
Re: Found a place to rent! PIP
Tecumseh is nice, my FIL's adopted parents live near there.
Congrats ?
TTC Baby #2 - BFP on 12/14/11 @ 10DPO - CP confirmed 12/18/11
BFP #2 on 1/13/12
Congrats! Its good to hear that everything is working out for you!