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carnival cruise line - yay or nay??
we've gone on Royal Caribbean and Norwegian - so far RCCL is the better choice for us...we haven't been on carnival yet - just wanted some opinions. 
We're looking at Carnival Triumph - going to Grand Cayman, Ochos Rios & Cozumel...any advice?!!?
Re: carnival cruise line - yay or nay??
Carnival is more gauged towards younger crowds (20's and 30's than the others). Also, more of a party ship I guess. Wasn't really for me. I've been on Norwegian and going on RCCL this fall.
There is a lot to do though, so you should have a good time.
I went to cozumel on my trip. 
Had a bad Carnival experience two years ago...was not very luxurious and pretty "cheesy". DH had previously taken a Royal Caribbean cruise and said that was much better.
I'll never go on a another Carnival ship again, ever - and unlike many people we had no problem with any of the other guests. But we had one service problem after another, some of which were really serious. CCL just has poor screening/training processes for their staff.
Like the creep in the kitchen obscene-calling us at 5:30 AM. The worst part was that the person to whom I reported this denied it was staff and insisted it was another guest. I knew better because 1. We never gave our room number to anyone and 2. I could hear dishes and silverware in the background.
Our cat died on the third day of the cruise (our honeymoon) . At dinner in the "fancy" restaurant, the waiter asked "How was you day?" I said "Not too good - our cat just died". His response: "Aww, get a dog, they're eaiser". Nice huh? And yet he, and everyone else on the ship constantly hit us up for tips.
We're going on Carnival Miracle next May for my birthday. Can't wait!! It's a newer ship and looks beautiful. I've heard nothing but fantastic reviews.
Want other responses? Go on They'll give you a toin of reviews.
BTW. I've never heard it referred to as the 'wal-mart' of cruiselines.
Just remember, everyone has bad and good experiences with cruiselines.
We sailed on Carnival once and I will never do that again. I actually thought it was worse that the "Walmart" Cruise Lines.
The people on the ship were unlike any I had ever seen, and that takes a lot from someone that grew up in the woods of Maine. The staff we talked to asked us if we had gotten on the wrong ship and one bartender said he had another couple describe it as a "floating trailer park"
We have cruised many of the lines and just found everything about Carnival to be low budget. The food was marginal at best, the entertainment cheesy as heck,and the "vibe" on the ship was just not our style.
I know that some people like Carnival but it is definately not for us. I prefer a bit of luxury on vacation and they just did not deliver on that at all.