Wisconsin Nesties
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Our tech team has launched updates to The Nest today. As a result of these updates, members of the Nest Community will need to change their password in order to continue participating in the community. In addition, The Nest community member's avatars will be replaced with generic default avatars. If you wish to revert to your original avatar, you will need to re-upload it via The Nest.
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Had a great time last night!
Girls it was so great to see you all again last night! Let's plan another one for August now, so more people can fit it in their schedule.
Tuesday's usuallly work best right? What about August 11?
Re: Had a great time last night!
I had fun, too. It was good to see everyone. Any day after the 7th works for me.
How about the Great Dane in Fitchburg?
Who has two thumbs and knows where the Great Dane is? THIS GIRL!
Rock, I'll bring the Bella Bands.
I'm free most of August...for now.
to the Great Dane!
I had fun too!
I am free any Tuesday in August except the 18th. I like the Dane as well, and it's close to home so two thumbs up from me.
Karrie - is your little lady here yet???
BrewersMama - did you mean me when you referred to the Bella Bands or is there something that Rock needs to tell us?
Hahahahah! No, we were just discussing the benefits of Bella Bands for us non pregnants. We like the idea of wearing one & not having to suck in at all.
Or not having to button our pants.
Mainly not having to button our pants.
No, it's just that my eatin' pants don't fit like they used to. I was thinking that a bella band would provide the necessary expansion room.
Karrie, those dates would work for me.
They work for me!
Brewers and Rock - you guys are too funny! I feel like such an idiot though...I couldn't really remember talking about Bella Bands w/ you but I was like, Why would Rock need a Bella Band...unless.... lol
Karrie - Both of those dates would work for me!
Right now I am available any of those evenings. Hope I can finally make a GTG and meet some of you ladies!