I am, yet again - sick again. I feel bad for DH because he said "weren't you just sick a few weeks ago?"
I don't have the option of taking off work, so I go in - and I can barely function. I have no voice (hard to do counseling w/out a voice) and i'm absolutly miserable. I have no idea how I make it through the day -- beyond drinking, drinking and more drinking. I am so frustrated, I seem to get sick every 8-10 weeks.
Okay, I know this is not a Saint Louis specific thing, but HOW DO YOU STAY HEALTHY?! If you're someone who doesn't get sick very often, how do you manage to do that?
Here's what I do:
1. Wash my hands around most things -- playing with kids, bathroom, before eating, etc.Use disinfectant if needed.
2. I eat fairly healthy (multi vitiamen, etc)
3. I try to get 7-8 hrs a night (or more).
You'd think those things would be enough, I guess not... What am I missing? How can I build up my immune system?
Re: Staying Heathly
Hi there!!! I don't post here often because I don't live in the area (we're planning on moving there though), but I read your post and it remind me of a very good friend of mine who often feels frustrated about getting sick so often... Her profession: kindergarten teacher!!! I think that's why she gets sick more often than others and since you say you're a counselor, it might be the same reason you get sick (interaction with a lot of people, and maybe with kids too, who are notorious germ carriers)...
The only other thing I can think of doing to keep yourself healthy is keep your chest and feet warm... Mmm... maybe avoid sudden changes of temperature if possible (ACto hot outside or Heater to cold outside). HTH
I second the increase in your vitamin C. And when you start feeling sick, I would bombard your system with Vitamin C. I don't get sick often and I can't say I don't do anything differently than you do. I do drink alot of milk and I make sure I have atleast 1 V8 a day. I also get all my fruits in a day. Oh and I do regularly go to the chiropractor, she says a regular adjustment helps with your immune system.
GL and I hope you feel better. Tell you H to stop bringing germs home..lol
Yeah...I work in a school, so that could very well be a reason - that i'm constantly around several 100s of people each day... I've never heard of the keeping your chest and feet warm... I'm *ALWAYS* cold at work, I wonder if that could possibly be something. Thanks
DH never gets sick either!! It drives me nuts! He doesn't understand how I get sick as often as I do, and how badly I feel when I am sick. He drinks alot of water too...I've tried drinking the amount he does - but i'm 90lbs soaking wet, I can only intake so much water a day! I do drink OJ...just not 3 classes...maybe drinking more than the little mug I drink might help, thanks for the suggestion!
Milk is a great suggestion my mom keeps telling me to drink more milk...except for those of us who are lactose sensitive ...V8...hmm, thanks for the suggestion. I'm thinking of how to bring that up to DH...you know, being the coupon freaks we are, we don't see those coupons very often! Although I do LOVE v8 splash, the fruit ones? Have you had those before?
Yeah, DH is not the one who brings the germs home, I could blame it on him all I want, but in the end I know that I deal with 5x the amount of people a day than he does and it's my own fault...meh.
This is all great advice. I'd maybe say wash your hands even more, be sure to use plenty of soap and wash for a good 20-30 seconds EVERY time. (it's longer than it seems.)
And ditto the advice on the vitamin C (you can take a supplement in addition to your multivitamin) and maybe Airborne or something like that once/week?