**1st would like to say....sorry its late, i had a meeting this morning and then had to step out for a lil emergency. everything is OK**
Stuck in a long line at the US-Canada border, Joel Schoon Tanis had to do something to lighten the mood! He reached for his bottles of bubble-making solution, bounded out of the car, and began blowing bubbles. He handed bottles to other drivers too, and he says that ?soon there were bubbles everywhere. . . . It?s amazing what bubbles do for people.? The line didn?t move any faster, but ?suddenly everyone was happy,? Joel says.
?What we see depends mainly on what we look for,? said British statesman John Lubbock (1834?1913). A good attitude and the right focus help us to handle life joyfully, even though it doesn?t change our circumstances.
Paul encouraged the Corinthians in their trials: ?Do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal? (2 Cor. 4:18).
So what?s unseen and eternal that we can look at? The character of God is an excellent place to focus. He is good (Ps. 25:8), He is just (Isa. 30:18), He is forgiving (1 John 1:9), and He is faithful (Deut. 7:9).
Pondering God?s character can give us joy in the midst of our struggles. ? Anne Cetas
The eyes of faith when fixed on Christ
Give hope for what?s ahead;
But focus on life?s obstacles,
And faith gives way to dread. ?D. De Haan
When Christ is the center of your focus, all else will come into proper perspective.